Democrats Fire Many Whites to Make Room for Colored Diversity

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 30, 2019

Allison Jaslow pictured with some Jew.

This is a backlash from Donald Trump telling those four brown Democrats to go back to their countries.

These Democrats are just going to have to keep doing more and more to please these brown people, now that they are the victims of Donald Trump’s racial hatred. He has forced them to follow their own philosophy, and the party is going to fall apart because of it.

Daily Caller:

A top Democratic fundraising executive resigned Monday from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) due to a lack of diversity.

Allison Jaslow, who served as the executive director of the DCCC, announced her resignation at an all-staff meeting, according to Politico. The move reportedly comes after two Hispanic lawmakers, Democratic Texas Reps. Vicente González and Filemon Vela, called for Jaslow’s resignation Sunday, saying the committee needs to be run by a “person of color.”

Jaslow did not mention the reason for her departure from the committee in her statement, which she posted on Twitter.

“My commitment to the mission, our country and the people who commit their lives to serving it is unwavering,” Jaslow said. “And sometimes selfless service means having the courage to take a bow for the sake of the mission – especially when the stakes are so high.”

“The DCCC is now in complete chaos. The single most immediate action that Cheri Bustos can take to restore confidence in the organization and to promote diversity is to appoint a qualified person of color, of which there are many, as executive director at once. We find the silence of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus on this issue to be deafening,” the lawmakers said in a statement to Politico on Sunday, before she resigned.

Bustos is no doubt out as well.

Cheri Bustos

Or is she some kind of Mexican?

Who the hell knows anymore.

The thing that you must understand about the Democrat Party is that although it obsessively pushes brown people, it is fundamentally a product of Jews and white women. This machine was absolutely not built by brown people. Brown people were always just a prop.

But now, the props are taking over the theater. Trump has drastically quickened this process. And we simply don’t know what the Democrat Party is going to look like when this process is finished. Certainly, it will not work the same as it does now, and it might not even work at all.

This is very good for white people.