Denmark: Newly-Formed Vegan Party is Coming for Your Sausages

There are many people in this world that know what’s best for you far better than you ever will.

Doing everything they tell you to do is what democracy and freedoms are all about.

The Local:

The Danish Vegan Party (Veganerpartiet) is on course to qualify to run in the next election.

The party is on course to reach the minimum voter declarations (vælgererkæringer) required for political parties to run in elections before Danes next go to the polls, DR reports.

Founded in 2018, the herbivore party has 17,613 of the required 20,182 declarations so far.

In an interview with the broadcaster, Vegan Party leader Michael Monberg set out some of the policies of the group.

ThataaaaaaaaaaaaaIts three key issues are animal rights, public health and nature, according to DR.

The Vegan Party would not ban meat entirely should it find itself in the hypothetical position of having a parliamentary majority.

“The first thing we would introduce would be to stop the exploitation of animals purely for profit. Just as I believe people should not be exploited for money, neither should we do it to animals,” Monberg told DR.

That means that, while industrial production would be banned, eating roadkill such as birds found on a motorway would not, he elaborated.

But meat would not be sold in supermarkets, he clarified.

“There would not be any (meat) in (supermarket) refrigerators, because there would not be the industrial meat production we have today,” he said.

So they’re gonna allow you to have the occasional rat burger once in a while.

See, they’re reasonable after all.

Non-vegans would be allowed to join the Vegan Party but would not be allowed to vote, he also said.

The Vegan Party leader also refrained from committing fully to either of the traditional ‘blocs’ of left- or right-wing parties which traditionally ally in coalition governments and parliamentary deals, Monberg said.

Saying that the Vegans would look for the “most green and sustainable” party to offer its support, the party leader noted that the next election is still another three years away, while conceding that he currently backed Mette Frederiksen’s Social Democrats “ten percent” and rival party the Liberals “0 percent”.

Almost 18,000 people supporting them in a country as small as Denmark is worrisome, but I don’t think they’ll actually achieve anything.

Scandinavians are cucks in general, but they’ll actually put up a fight for their burgers.

It’s the only red line you can’t cross.