Detroit: Black Teachers Leave School Demanding Someone Give Them Extra Free Everything

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 21, 2016

Bro, do you know that feeling when you don’t have enough free everything?

It feels like “wow, someone needs to give me more free everything, like, right now, because I totally do not have enough free everything.”

ABC News:

A city-wide teacher “sick-out” shut down 88 Detroit schools today, causing 44,790 students to miss class, according to the Detroit Public Schools system.

Teachers held the sick-out in protest of run-down buildings, large classroom sizes and issues with teachers’ compensation and benefits, stemming from the school district’s financial crisis, Detroit Federation of Teachers Administrator Ann Mitchell told ABC News today.

“Due to a high volume of teacher absences, the following schools will be closed today,” the DPS wrote on its website before listing the majority of its schools. A mere eight schools remained opened, DPS announced on Facebook.

Staff members at the closed schools were expected to report to work or take a leave day, the announcement said.

Dozens of activists marched in front of Detroit’s convention center in protest of the current state of the public school system Wednesday afternoon, the Associated Press reported. The demonstrations started, the same day President Obama visited the city to speak about the economic progress of the American auto industry.

Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan called for teachers to stop staging sick-outs and return to their classrooms while legislatures work on solving the city’s debt problems. Earlier this month, more than 60 schools were closed due to teacher absences.

Hey Blacks.


You know where things are way better?


You should go back there and live.
