Dindu Driving High in Ferguson Attacks White Cop is Innocent Because He was Scared

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
September 11, 2017

Sheeit officer didn’ u hear? He wuz scared why u gotta beat him like dat.

These rayciss White Supremacist cops smdh.

SL Today:

A Ferguson man was charged this week with assault for allegedly tackling a Calverton Park police officer and wrestling over the officer’s gun at a traffic stop.

The assault at about 2 a.m. Wednesday lasted a few minutes along the side of North Florissant Road before the officer regained control and arrested the man. The assault was captured on the officer’s dashboard camera.

According to court documents, the officer was on patrol at about 2 a.m. Wednesday when he saw a car speed past him going the opposite direction on North Florissant Road. He turned around and followed the car. The officer stopped Kirkwood near Connolly Drive for traveling 71 mph in a 35-mph zone on North Florissant Road.

The officer smelled marijuana coming from the car, and Kirkwood admitted smoking marijuana earlier. The officer ordered him out of the car so he could perform a sobriety test. Kirkwood obliged. The officer noticed a knife in Kirkwood’s pocket. The officer told him to put his hands on his head, but Kirkwood instead put his hands in his pockets.