Disabled Grandmother Kicked, Beaten and Urinated on by ‘Teenage’ Gang

Daily Mail
November 24, 2013

Victim Denis Bright was attacked as she walked home alone from her local shops
Denise Bright was attacked as she walked home alone from the shops. She is now too scared to leave her own home.

A teenage gang is being hunted by police after beating up a disabled grandmother and then urinating on her in the street.

Denise Bright, 58, who walks with the aid of a stick, was attacked as she walked home alone from her local shops in Norwich.

The grandmother-of-eight cowered on the ground as she was repeatedly kicked in the head, verbally abused and urinated on by the thugs.

She only managed to escape after running into the road and into the arms of a passing motorist.

The attack happend near these shops in Norwich
The cowardly and dishonorable attack happened near these shops in Norwich.

Today, Mrs Bright said she was ‘too frightened’ to leave the house following the attack, which happened near the junction of Brightwell Road and Catton Grove Road.

‘I don’t know what these lads look like so I can’t keep my eyes open for them,’ she said.

‘I’m so frightened they’re going to come after me. It’s got to the stage where all I want to do is stay indoors.’

Mrs Bright, who had life-saving surgery last Christmas following problems with an artery in her groin, had been walking home at 7.30pm on Saturday, October 19, when the thugs cornered her.

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