UK: Woman Teacher Calls Police About Confederate Flag Flying for Historical Acknowledgement Reasons

Pure evil

Among other incredible things, it is incredible that in a couple short years, the Confederate flag has become representative of a pro-slavery position.


Police have stepped in after a complaint over a “pro-slavery” Confederate flag being flown in a Norwich garden.

“Words of advice” have been given to the residents at the city centre home, who for years have made a tradition of flying a different world flag, with notices to inform passers-by of what they are.

However, this hobby resulted in an unlikely police call-out this week, when they chose to fly the Confederate flag, an American Civil War flag mired in controversy due to its association with the slave trade.

The notice stated that the flag would be flown on Monday and Tuesday to mark the death of General Thomas ‘Stonewall’ Jackson in 1863.

It was reported to police as a hate crime by 34-year-old teacher Emily Robinson, who spotted it while passing by with her artist partner.

She said: “The Confederate flag is the flag used by southern states in the American Civil War who were fighting for the right to keep black slaves. It directly represents support for slavery.

“The General they are commemorating was fighting in favour of slavery.”

From this poll on their site, I deduce around 73% of the readership is male

Ms Robinson, who recently moved back to Norwich from Brighton, added: “To me, this is a great opportunity to educate people on how damaging this is to many people who are a minority in our lovely city – as I know many people may not have any reason to know why it is such a big deal.

“I believe it is our responsibility, as white people in this country, to stand up to racism.”

Wow, a woman on patrol for men thinking bad thoughts.

If the South would have won, we’d have had it made.

I’d put that Capitol back in Alabama and take back Miami.

I’d probably run for president of the Southern States.