Doom Creator John Carmack to Attend BasedCon, PC Gamer Calls It “Gross and Sad”

I always liked John Carmack.

Even when he was constantly pushing that nauseating VR bullshit (which is basically a dead project now, by the way, just as I said it would be), he was always affable.

I’m not surprised he’s based and redpilled and wants to do a second Holocaust “for real this time.”

“Andy Chalk” of PC Gamer doesn’t like it one bit:

Id Software co-founder and former Oculus VR CTO John Carmack is facing criticism for his recent announcement that he will be attending BasedCon, a sci-fi and fantasy convention for fans who are “tired of woke propaganda.”

“I’m going to be at again this year,” Carmack tweeted. “I had read books from and twitter-interacted with three of the authors (more since!), but I wasn’t sure what to expect last year. It turned out fun, in a grass-roots con way that reminded me of the old Space Access days.

“I was just going to show up as a normal attendee / fan of the authors last year, but Rob [presumably BasedCon fouder Robert Kroese] nudged me into doing a talk and some panels, and I enjoyed it.”

Attending a convention is a pretty unremarkable thing most of the time, but BasedCon isn’t like most. Its website claims the convention “isn’t about pushing any particular ideology,” while at the same time listing examples of “based beliefs” that the organizers subscribe to:

Men cannot give birth

Guns don’t kill people; people kill people

A fetus is a human being

Socialism has failed everywhere it’s been tried

Discriminating against white people is racism

As a millennial who grew up listening to Eminem, it is still somewhat jarring that these are now opinions so offensive that your career will be destroyed if you are associated with them.

Along with songs about killing “faggots,” Eminem wrote (and performed all over the world) songs about beating up and killing his wife, one of which included a verse about kicking her in the stomach when she was pregnant.

(His verse is at 2:25 for anyone who wants to skip the pretty mediocre rappers before Em.)

That was 21 years ago.

This was the number one music artist in America for a time in the late 1990s and early 2000s. He was all over the media. No one canceled him.

How can things change so fast?

Am I just getting old?

The website complains that while “sci-fi cons used to be a lot of fun,” in recent years they’ve been dominated by “a small clique of authoritarian jerks who made them into venues for pushing social justice dogma.” That in turn sparked controversies like Sad Puppies, an effort to push right-wing authors to the top of Hugo Award voting, and the misogynistic harassment campaign Gamergate, got Gina Carano fired from The Mandalorian, and drove the push “to get Critical Race Theory and other social justice garbage into schools.”

It also warns that if you happen not to embrace those beliefs, you should probably stay away: “If you think people with a certain skin color can’t be racist or you expect people to use made-up pronouns when talking about you, you may want to do a reality check before coming to BasedCon.”

The whole thing is kind of gross and sad, and there’s really no arguing that Carmack isn’t aware of the ugly side of the event. The website spells it all out quite clearly, and as he said on Twitter, he knows the organizer and this won’t be his first trip to the show. As many people responding to the situation have pointed out, it all comes down to the old adage: Never meet your heroes. I’ve reached out to Carmack for comment and will update if I receive a reply.

There will probably be some kind of punishment for this.

Maybe they’ll just ignore it, given that he is old and everyone likes him and this is so petty.

But they don’t ever seem to do that anymore.

Elvis Dunderhoff contributed to this report.