Dutch Cleaning Firm Declares It will Only Hire Whites

Daily Stormer
April 16, 2014

“White workers are better than non-white workers,” said Wesley de Laat, owner of Budget Cleaning Brabant
“White workers are better than non-white workers,” said Wesley de Laat, owner of Budget Cleaning Brabant

A Dutch cleaning firm has committed the ultimate sin against the Holy Church of Political Correctness and declared that it will only hire White workers.

Irish Times:

Wesley de Laat, owner of Budget Cleaning Brabant, laid his requirements on the line when he advertised for Dutch-born white-only gardeners on Facebook and in the regional press, maintaining in answer to angry criticism that “white workers are better than non-white workers”.

“I don’t discriminate,” he insisted. “I just don’t invite them for interview. Poles, Moroccans, any non-whites, are not going to be hired to work for this company. Achmed and Ali are probably very good people, but I don’t want them working for me.”

Mr De Laat’s comments come at the end of a week in which the Dutch Human Rights Council reported what it described as “explosive growth” in complaints of discrimination during 2013 – up 75 per cent on 2012 to 2,481 cases.

Co-incidentally, the council said more than half the complaints were work-related. “Exclusion takes place at entry level to the labour market. Companies are refusing to accept people on work experience, for example, because of their skin colour or because they wear headscarves.”

We need more brave men willing to stand up and put their values before cash.

People talk a lot about “taking action” in the sense of political organization, but simply standing up and doing what is right in your own life is more than most people are willing to do. The more who decide to simply say “no,” the easier it becomes for everyone else.

I will grant that this is probably easier in the Netherlands than in America, as they have been multicultural for a much shorter period of time.