Ethan Ralph Arrested at Abortion Protest at Supreme Court After IRL Swatting

These swattings are getting out of control. Everyone who streams on right-wing internet is getting the police called on them over fake charges nonstop now.

Ethan Ralph was streaming on at Tuesday’s abortion rally, when he got pulled out of a crowd and detained by the cops after someone had called the cops on his truck and accused him of a bomb plot or whatever.

Imagine trying to abort the Retort at an abortion rally.

(I warned him about red trucks.)

He’s out now.

These fake calls to the cops have been ongoing for months now, with basically everyone who streams on cozy having been targeted.

I’ve said this: either the cops are in on this or they don’t care. There is no evidence they’re doing any kind of investigation into it. Maybe whoever is doing it is using 7 proxies and can’t be caught, but you would think they would at least investigate. To be fair, people have been swatting Ralph for years. However, I’ve suggested that this seems to have started happening to the cozy people when the war against Russia started in late February, and cozy streamers opposed it. Beardson Beardly was swatted when I was on his show a few weeks ago, just after I’d gone off on the Ukraine hoax.

Ralph has been getting swatted a lot more than usual at the same time everyone else is getting swatted. Ralph is on cozy and has all of these pro-Russia people on regularly.

The rally was mostly pro-abortion, with a few soy men supporting an army of fat sluts. Here’s the replay of the first part of Ralph’s stream. There are a few lols.

Liz Warren was there at the SCOTUS building pushing for mass bloody abortions.

They’re still rallying at time of writing.

That Jew rat Chuck Schumer took time out of his busy schedule of shilling war with Russia to go out there demanding that we need abortions… for our children…?

Frankly, this whole thing just looks like a totally staged circus show to me – I don’t think they’re going to ban federal abortion law, and if they do, it won’t really change anything. It will just empower Democrats. It would take forever to outlaw abortion in the red states, and by that time someone would be coming in to overthrow it.

As I have said repeatedly as regards this SCOTUS abortion question: if we were experiencing massive right-wing wins everywhere, of course I would be excited about it. But right-wingers can’t even stop child tranny indoctrination at red state schools. The American right is doing the opposite of winning.

Maybe ZOG losing a war to Russia and Elon Musk buying Twitter is a sign of impending victories, but that victory train hasn’t started rolling yet. So right now, this whole thing just looks like a big emotional distraction.

These fat whores are out in every city.

What are they doing protesting in New York? Neither New York nor any bordering state is going to ban abortion, even if Roe is overturned. This is just a death cult crusade.

Here are some big fat sluts in Tucson.

Maybe Arizona would ban it, I guess. Probably.

But the point remains: this is an energizing thing for the left. If the right couldn’t get energized over trying to ban their sons being injected with hormones and having their dick and balls chopped off, I don’t know how they’re going to get energized fighting abortion.