EU Failing to Ban Thousands of Highly Toxic Chemicals, Study Claims

Just eat that shit, faggot.

Gobble it.

It doesn’t even matter, bro. You took the vax.

Eat PFAS, BPs and PCBs.

It makes consumerism easier, so your quality of life just keeps getting better year after year.

Think how much better your life is than that of your parents. Part of that progress was that we had to poison everything totally.

The Guardian:

A plan to ban up to 7,000 of the most potentially dangerous chemicals on the European market by 2030 is failing badly, according to a study.

A year ago, the EU launched a roadmap to banning groups of toxic substances linked to environmental damage and serious illnesses such as cancers, hormonal disruption and reprotoxic disorders. These included all bisphenols, the most dangerous flame retardants, and the increasingly controversial PFAS chemicals (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances).

Also known as “forever chemicals”, PFAS formulations accumulate in the natural environment where they take hundreds of years – or longer – to degrade. They were used so ubiquitously over the last century that one US government study found them in the bloodstreams of almost all Americans, while a survey this year logged 17,000 contaminated sites in Europe – and 2,100 hotspots.

The restrictions roadmap was brought in as an interim measure to protect the public and nature while the European Commission finalises an update to its complex Reach programme (which centrally compiles data on modern synthetic chemicals, and sets rules for their governance).

But Reach has been delayed and the commission has so far used the roadmap to implement bans on just 14 chemical groups, of which only two appear watertight, according to a joint report by the green law group ClientEarth and the European Environmental Bureau.

Hélène Duguy, ClientEarth’s law and policy adviser, said lagging action showed “the failure of the EU’s piecemeal approach to chemical bans. This approach means that people and our environment are not protected against the most harmful chemicals. This needs to change now. European authorities and the EU commission have all legal tools to rescue this roadmap and correct a depressing direction of travel.”

A revised Reach regulation is still due by the end of the year, while the European Food Safety Authority (Efsa) raised the prospect of new regulation of bisphenol A in food last week. Efsa reduced its tolerable daily intake recommendation of the substance by a factor of 20,000, due to the risk of allergic lung inflammation and autoimmune disorders.

However, most uses of bisphenols look set to continue, with only five of the 148 bisphenols on the market facing restrictions. Campaigners also expect no let-up in contamination from toxic lead shot across Europe, because of a loophole in a commission proposal that allows its continued use for sport.

A possible ban on single-use nappies that contain dioxins, furans, formaldehyde and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) was also withdrawn.

Anyway, don’t even worry about this crap. The Guardian is borderline anti-Semitic for mentioning it. You need to be worried about sucking carbon out of the atmosphere in order to turn the world into a solid block of ice. We want this to be like, an ice moon.

Quick, Jupiter has an ice moon. Don’t Google it – what is it called? It was in 2001. No it wasn’t. It was in 2010.


Don’t Google it.

Name the moon.

That’s what we’re doing: an ice rock. These chemicals won’t matter then because all life will be dead anyway.

We have to do this to stop tornadoes.

The decision was made by a retarded teenage girl who had an eating disorder that prevented her from developing breasts (no one from her family intervened even though it’s impossible that a doctor didn’t inform her parents that if her diet wasn’t changed she would not develop breasts).

She’s in charge of everything somehow and she’s made the call – ice world.

What’s the name?

Come on.

No Google.

It was discovered by Galileo. And it was in the second of the Arthur C. Clarke Odyssey books.

You know this.

My readership is very well educated.