Steve Goode
White Genocide Project
June 8, 2014

The European Commissioner, Cecilia Malmstroem is telling European Union countries to bring in more immigrants. The plan is to pay 6000 Euros for each ‘refugee’ (most of whom are Africans) that is brought into Europe.
“I am speaking on behalf of the European Commission in support of the reception and integration of refugees. EU states will receive 6000 euro support for each refugee taken from the refugee camps and resettled in their respective countries” Malmstroem said in an interview.
“Each year around 80 thousand refugees are resettled, most of them find a new home in the U.S., Canada or Australia…”
“In 2013, EU countries were ready to receive around five thousand refugees for resettlement, and that is a shame”
Malmstroem poured scorn on EU countries for not doing more to bring in non-White immigrants from places such as Africa and the Middle east.
“I am convinced that the EU member states should do more to help people who flee their home countries due to hunger, violence and misery”
Now that the ‘stick’ is failing, the ‘carrot’ is being used to ensure White genocide is ongoing. If they have to pay people to do what they want, instead of just bossing them around like the EU used to, it just goes to show that their power is eroding.
White countries are expected to bring in to bring in refugees and immigrants. They are expected to have open borders. They are expected to have “diversity” programs which make it illegal to have an area that is “too White”.
Open borders, mass non-White immigration, and legally enforced “diversity” – this combination of policies is only forced on White countries.
They are in fact genocidal policies, because they have been put in place to ensure that White people become a minority. Both sides can see we are becoming a minority because of those policies, but we are ‘not allowed’ to change or remove these policies.
Therefore, this is a deliberate systematic attempt to turn us into a minority – that’s White Genocide.