Europe: Virtually No Support for the Insane “Global Warming” Measures

Related: Red Meat and Other Animal Foods are Essential for Human Health, Hundreds of Scientists Say

Bro, we’ve got graphs. And these graphs keep being wrong, over and over again.

There is no other “evidence” of global warming.

The tsunamis and hurricanes are actually dropping. They don’t even tell you the ice caps are melting anymore. Remember when Al Gore said New York City would be under water by 2015?

None of this shit is real, and they don’t even really try to make serious arguments. It’s all just dumb media hysteria with screaming retarded girls.

If warming was happening, it would be good.

Asking people to stop having children and live like rats because of this theory is not reasonable. In fact, it is insane. The whole thing at this point is “don’t you feel bad for this retarded girl who feels sad that you live a normal life???”

The Guardian:

Many Europeans are alarmed by the climate crisis and would willingly take personal steps and back government policies to help combat it, a survey suggests – but the more a measure would change their lifestyle, the less they support it.

The seven-country YouGov survey tested backing for state-level climate action, such as banning single-use plastics and scrapping fossil-fuel cars, and individual initiatives including buying only secondhand clothes and giving up meat and dairy products.

The responses, from the UK, France, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Spain and Italy, suggested many people were happy with measures that would not greatly affect the way they lead their lives, but bigger steps that may be necessary were unpopular.

Measures entailing no great lifestyle sacrifice were popular, with between 45% (Germany) and 72% (Spain) backing government tree-planting programmes and 60% (Spain) and 77% (UK) saying they would grow more plants themselves or were doing so already.

Growing plants is nice!

More carbon in the atmosphere will make them grow faster, bigger, and healthier, by the way. Just so you understand.

Between 40% (Denmark) and 56% (UK, Spain and Italy) of respondents would happily never buy products made of single-use plastic again, while between 63% (Sweden) and 75% (Spain) would support a government ban on them.

Frankly, single use plastics are viscerally disgusting, and never should have existed in the first place.

I’m so sick of this plastic, and I do not believe in global warming at all.

Similarly, there was fairly solid support – from 28% in Germany to 43% in Italy – for the idea of limiting meat and dairy intake to two or three meals a week; between 24% (in the UK) and 48% (in Italy) would back government legislation to that effect.

Yeah, okay. Now we’re getting into the bullshit zone.

Unsurprisingly, government subsidies to make homes more energy efficient were wildly popular, with support ranging from 86% in Spain to 67% in Germany, while covering the costs personally was rather less so (19% in Germany to 40% in Spain).

No reason not to do that!

There was broad support, too, for frequent flyer levies (from 39% in Italy to 59% in Germany, with a majority in five out of the seven countries in favour), but much less for buying only secondhand clothes (from 17% in Germany to 27% in the UK).

Wait, clothes change the weather now?

I guess it’s just everything…?

Even more radical proposals, such as voluntarily eating no more meat and dairy and having fewer children than you would like, were supported by between barely 10% (Germany) and 19% (Italy), and 9% (Germany) and 17% (Italy) respectively.

And here you have the fact that people do not actually, legitimately, believe this apocalypse gibberish from retard Greta.

The other stuff is all like “well, this could make life better generally.”

Changes in car use, a major contributor to carbon emissions and an area in which many European governments are already legislating, also drew responses that showed a close correlation to the impact they might have on people’s lives.

Global warming is a cult. It’s not real. If it was real, it would be good. If there is warming, it’s because we’re at the end of an ice age.

However, as you can see, many of these measures they list are good in their own right, outside of this weather hoax.

They don’t actually care about plastics. That is sugar to make the medicine go down. They want to push you into austerity and they want you to stop breeding and they want to form a global government where everyone lives in “15 minute cities.”

They add these reasonable things to make their agenda look less insane.

It’s really great to hear people are unwilling to go along with the insane stuff.

Here’s a fun fact: having more children “than you would like” increases life happiness.

As a total reality, the bigger a family is, the happier its members are.

Elon Musk was at the head of this environmentalism thing, and he says we’re facing a population crisis. Even Western governments are saying this, and using it as an excuse for mass immigration from third world countries (populations that, for the most part, will be completely incapable of upholding Western civilization).

Africans in particular probably should be having fewer children, but hey – whatever. Maybe back off that continent and let them deal with their own problems? We’ve never tried that before. There is always all this meddling, from food drops to weapons drops to endless regime changes.

Africa might figure it out if they’re left alone. If they breed out of control and create a crisis, well, let them deal with it.

None of these questions have difficult answers.