I ran across an MSNBC news report from Indian fake news journalist Anand Giridharadas this morning, and I believe I must have woken the neighbors up grinding my teeth.
In the clip, Giridharadas is attacking Donald Trump and the white people who want the economy to open back up, and he takes the opportunity to condemn the white race and the history of the United States. I’m tired of shitty brown people talking down to me, I’m tired of these people telling me what I can and can’t do in my own country, I’m tired of every single angle of this whole idiotic lockdown hoax. But what pushed me over the edge was his insistence on referring to Americans as “we” and “us” and his use of the term “our country” to describe America.
"There is a primordial American tradition going back to the Founders of being freedom obsessed – even though we are country founded on slavery and genocide."
— @AnandWrites pic.twitter.com/MvjYfenBcW
— Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) May 6, 2020
Of all the things brown people do, pretending to be me is the most infuriating. I’m so used to all of this endless whining and nagging, the slander – none of that phases me. But I do not think there will ever be a point when I can listen to a rat-faced Paki refer to America as “our country” and not feel like punching a hole in the wall.
When they combine this repulsive identity theft routine with slander against our ancestors it is that much worse. It doesn’t help that I can smell Giridharadas through my computer screen as he says: “There is a primordial American tradition going back to the Founders of being freedom obsessed – even though we are a country founded on slavery and genocide.”
The underlying idea here is that these people have a right to come to our country, to erase us as a people, and then claim to be us. This means that we cannot remain being us. We cannot even flee our country, flee these people, and be ourselves somewhere else. There is nowhere to go. What we are told, by these rats, by the Jews, by the Democrats and the Republicans alike, is that there is no situation in which we are allowed to continue to exist as a people. We have to accept being overrun, being erased, knowing that when we go a bunch of stinking creatures from India who look like pieces of poop with eyes and teeth are going to live in our houses and walk around pretending to be us, referring to our history as their history even as they condemn it as evil.
These are not the “good, hardworking people who love America” that evil mutants like Charlie Kirk claim they are. These are malicious and evil monsters who come to our country to hurt us.
We are not you, Giridharadas. We are us.
We know who the real Americans are. We’re not from India.
We come from the land of the ice and snow, from the midnight sun, where the hot springs flow.
We drove our ships to new lands to fight the horde.
We exist and now we know we exist.
As this protest movement continues to develop, we are going to see that the real Americans are those standing up for our freedoms. They happen to be white.
And we are going to see that the people opposing our freedoms are not Americans. They are something else. Something that came into our home to hurt us, to hurt our families, and to take things away from us. They are Jews, they are brown people.
Many of them are only distinguishable from talking pieces of poop because they smell worse.
This is the metaphor for what the hippie generation did to this country:
In a small town lived the most beautiful prom queen, Suzie, a blonde 17-year-old angel who was doted on by her family, the desire of all the boys. She was also the sweetest and the most humble, never looking down on those who were not as pretty and smart as she. She was the pride of the entire town, as she brought joy to the life of anyone whose path she crossed. She said that God made her to make people smile, and so every day she tried to makes as many people smile as she could. She spent every Sunday in Church and every Saturday baking treats to deliver to the town’s old folks. Everyone told her she could be whatever she wanted, but all she wanted to be was the wife of Billy the Quarterback, and give him a house full of little blonde children. She couldn’t wait to get out of school and marry him, and despite his protests, she was saving her virginity for the day they walked down the aisle. “Even if no one in town knew, Jesus would know,” she said, and he respected her wishes. Then the day before her high school graduation, when she was walking home from school, a gang of dark men from the city who were passing through rode up beside her in a van, and threw her in the back. They took her to an abandoned drug house. They laughed especially hard when the head of the gang raped her first and found she was a virgin. All the men raped her, sometimes three at once. Her ribs were broken, her face was smashed up, her lips fat and her eyes swollen shut. When they were done raping her, they pissed on her, they put cigarettes out on her. Then the head of the gang used his boot to stomp her skull until it cracked open, as the gang continued to laugh. Her naked corpse was found at the side of the road, bloody and smelling of piss. When the townspeople found her, they wept and they just couldn’t imagine why someone would ever destroy something so beautiful, something that brought so much joy to so many people, something that had been a gift from God himself.
Young Americans are the townspeople discovering the mutilated corpse of America, knowing what America once was, and baffled at why anyone would ever destroy something so beautiful.
These protests against the lockdown are ground zero for the rebirth of White America. You can’t bring a person back to life, but you can bring a country back to life. And that is what we are going to do.
White Americans of all backgrounds and all ages are coming together and standing up for freedom, which as the vile Paki correctly identified is one of the core principles that binds us as a race and nation.
From the ashes of this collapse, we will rise. And in our struggle, we will find out who we are, and it is something we will never forget.
This lockdown and what comes after is going to separate us from them, forever.