Evil Scumbag Russell Brand Racially Assaults the Dutch

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 12, 2014

[Warning: This video contains foul language.]

This video is sure to make you rage. Seriously.  Try not to rage.  It isn’t possible.

Here the filthy scumbag Russell Brand engages in a full-on assault on traditional Dutch culture designed to bring happiness to children, claims it is evil, thus implying that the Dutch themselves are fundamentally evil in some way.

I am actually still angry from having watched the video as I type this, as it is so utterly disgusting what they have done here.  But it is good to be angry.  You should be angry.  If you aren’t angry at least a few times a day these days, you’ve got something wrong with you.

The video was produced by filmmaker Sunny Bergman, who is “Dutch” – presumably a Jewess (though “Berg” is sometimes in the names of real Dutch people) – and shows the reactions of British people to the figure of Black Pete, a Christmas character in modern Dutch mythology who is presumably based on a real-life good-hearted Black man.  I don’t think most (any) of these reactions were real.  Obviously the part with Brand was staged, she didn’t just run into him on the street.

Sunny Bergman, feminist crusader against all things sacred.  She believes she is just as pretty as a girl who is actually pretty, because beauty is subjective.
Sunny Bergman, feminist crusader against all things sacred. She believes she is just as pretty as a girl who is actually pretty, because beauty is subjective.

Bergman has previously made films attacking the image of beauty as “subjective,” and put out a bunch of other idiot liberal trash.  As liberalism is about destroying everything good and pure, it is no surprise she is now on a crusade against historical Dutch culture.

Brand is just a typical scumbag, so it is natural he would jump at the chance to be involved in something of this nature.

Zwarte Piet had the goodness in his heart to help Santa Claus.  If a Black man came across an old White guy with a bag of presents today he would stab him and pawn all of the children's toys for money to buy crack.
Zwarte Piet had the goodness in his heart to help Santa Claus. If a Black man came across an old White guy with a bag of presents today he would stab him and pawn all of the children’s toys for money to buy crack.
Russell Brand, when he is not purposefully attempting to destroy the traditional cultures of the indigenous peoples of Europe or confusing Alex Jones believers with his "revolution" gibberish, is starring in degenerate movies with fat Jews and dumb Blacks.
Russell Brand, when he is not purposefully attempting to destroy the traditional cultures of the indigenous peoples of Europe or confusing Alex Jones believers with his “revolution” gibberish, is starring in degenerate movies with fat Jews and dumb Blacks.

Hail Black Pete, one of the only Black men in history with any dignity.  May his memory never die, may the people of the Netherlands continue to honor him for a million years and a million years after that.

And may the memory of the unfunny, degenerate and grotesque hate-monger Russell Brand be wiped from history.  May no one remember his name or his ugly rat face.