Experts: Elon Musk is Trying to Destroy All Life

Adrian Sol
Daily Stormer
December 10, 2019

Elon Musk is a man of many faces. Billionaire, visionary, evil genius hellbent on global annihilation, and also environmentalist.

Elon Musk is definitely a global menace.

Just look at this:

Okay, maybe this truck won’t annihilate mankind.

But the true question is, is life really worth living when the streets are filled with these kinds of monstrosities? More importantly, won’t Musk come up with even more insane vehicles in the future that’ll turn everyone’s lives into a living hell?

I rest my case.

Thankfully, more and more scientists are coming forward to condemn Elon Musk over his dangerously irresponsible chassis designs.

If, like in your average Hollywood disaster movie, the world chooses to ignore them, then only disaster will befall our world.

Daily Express:

Starlink is SpaceX’s satellite broadband project that will eventually see tens of thousands of satellites orbiting the Earth to deliver internet to every corner of the globe. While the cause may be admirable, some astronomers believe it could be detrimental in humanity’s bid to save itself from annihilation from an asteroid collision. This is because asteroid hunting telescopes search for faint images of asteroids which they use to judge the space rock’s trajectory.

However, this task becomes even more difficult when telescopes have to filter out tens of thousands of light-reflecting Starlink satellites on top of the satellites already in Earth’s orbit.

Okay, so the scientists are giving Musk a free pass over his cars.

Instead, they claim that the heavens will rain down fire on humanity for the hubris of providing cheap, reliable broadband internet access.

I hope that smooth YouTube playback was worth it.

I’m no astronomer – or theologist – but this sounds completely plausible.

After all, the internet is mostly filled with porn, so it wouldn’t surprise me that God would send us a few meteor showers in retaliation for spreading it.

At least, that’s what I think these scientists are saying?

But one astronomer believes space experts should have been better prepared for the day when major corporations win out over the science community, and that they should have attempted to prevent projects like Starlink before they began.

Astronomer John McDowell told Axios: “The astronomy community dropped the ball.

“We should have been on this 10 years ago and we didn’t see it coming.”

Even Elon Musk has previously warned that “a big rock will hit Earth eventually”, and now astronomers are reiterating his previous sentiment.

While the chances of a major asteroid hitting Earth are small – NASA believes there is a one-in-300,000 chance every year that a space rock which could cause regional damage will hit – the devastating prospect is not impossible.

NASA has made great strides in discovering near-Earth objects that are over one kilometre in size, with 90 percent now accounted for.

However, that means there are still 10 percent of dangerous asteroids that have not been spotted.

The space agency believes a space rock of just a kilometre wide has the potential to case chaos across the planet.

NASA said: “An individual’s chance of being killed by a meteorite is small, but the risk increases with the size of the impacting comet or asteroid, with the greatest risk associated with global catastrophes resulting from impacts of objects larger than 1 kilometre.”

However, its not just asteroid hunting astronomers who have expressed concern over Starlink.

Earlier this year, the International Astronomical Union (IAU) said in a statement: “The scientific concerns are twofold.

“Firstly, the surfaces of these satellites are often made of highly reflective metal, and reflections from the Sun in the hours after sunset and before sunrise make them appear as slow-moving dots in the night sky.

“Although most of these reflections may be so faint that they are hard to pick out with the naked eye, they can be detrimental to the sensitive capabilities of large ground-based astronomical telescopes, including the extreme wide-angle survey telescopes currently under construction.

“Secondly, despite notable efforts to avoid interfering with radio astronomy frequencies, aggregate radio signals emitted from the satellite constellations can still threaten astronomical observations at radio wavelengths.

This all sounds really dire, but the true question is this: what’s worse, being hit by an asteroid, or not having enough bandwidth to watch the livestream of the spectacular impact?

Don’t answer now – think about it.

But seriously though, this is all pretty ridiculous. I mean, even if what these scientists are saying is true, and by some enormous coincidence, an asteroid does have a collision course with the earth, and we miss it because of Musk’s Starlink project… So what?

It’s not like we could do anything about it at this point in time.

We’re spending all our money on maintaining the lifestyle of brown parasites, and can’t even manage to gather up chump change for doing cool space stuff.

It’s not like NASA already has a fleet of orbital defense satellites around the planet, ready to blast apart incoming threats with laser cannons and nuclear missiles.

We can start worrying about detecting incoming asteroids – or alien battleships – once we’ve got an Artemis necklace defense system in place. Only men of culture will get this reference.

This is just more sensationalist Musk-bashing.

I mean, if you want to bash Musk, there’s plenty of material there…

But this asteroid stuff is just ridiculous.