FAA Investigating Boeing Over Faking Safety Tests

It’s the employees’ fault. Not the company.

The employees are non-gendered and do not have a race either. They are just random individuals.

New York Post:

The Federal Aviation Administration said Monday it has opened an investigation into the Boeing Dreamliner after the planemaker said some employees had committed “misconduct” by claiming some tests had been completed.

The FAA said it is investigating whether Boeing completed the inspections to confirm adequate bonding and grounding where the wings join the fuselage on certain 787 Dreamliner airplanes “and whether company employees may have falsified aircraft records.”

The agency said “at the same time, Boeing is reinspecting all 787 airplanes still within the production system and must also create a plan to address the in-service fleet.”

Asked for comment, Boeing provided an April 29 email from Scott Stocker, who leads the company’s 787 program, to employees in South Carolina where the 787 is assembled.

In the email, Stocker said that an employee saw what appeared to be an irregularity in a required 787 conformance test.

Stocker said in the email that after receiving the report, “we quickly reviewed the matter and learned that several people had been violating Company policies by not performing a required test, but recording the work as having been completed.”

Who would do that???