If your stupid whore daughter is out at 3 AM cavorting with the negroes, then you’re really lucky if she turns up dead.
We do not need more stupid bimbos having sex with negroes, and if your daughter is one such bimbo, people are going to throw a party when she dies.
A 17-year-old is suspected of murdering two North Carolina teenagers whose bullet-riddled bodies were found on a trail earlier this week, authorities announced Tuesday.
The Orange County Sheriff’s Office filed a petition charging the unnamed suspect with two counts of first-degree murder in the slayings of 14-year-old Lyric Woods and 18-year-old Devin Clark — two days after the bodies of the two friends were found near a power-line easement.
Well, your first mistake was naming the slut “Lyric.”
What the heck?
“Through the hard work of my investigators, along with the assistance of personnel from many other law enforcement agencies, we have identified a suspect in this case,” Sheriff Charles Blackwood said in a statement.
“We will now work with local, state, and federal authorities to apprehend and present the suspect to the court system.”
In North Carolina, 16- and 17-year-old criminals are not automatically tried as adults, but a case could be transferred to a Superior Court if there is probable cause or notice of indictment, the sheriff said.
Woods, a freshman at Cedar Ridge High School in Hillsborough, was reported missing by her stepfather Saturday afternoon after he noticed she wasn’t in her room. A police dog had tracked the 14-year-old’s scent through the woods and a neighbor allegedly saw her get into someone’s car at 3 a.m. Saturday, authorities said.
Clark, a senior and football player at Eastern Alamance High School in Mebane, was reported missing by his family Sunday, shortly before his body was found.
A person who lives near the crime scene reported hearing at least 15 gunshots that night.
Yes, she was out at 3 AM roving for black cock.
Here’s the buck who got killed with her:
Ain’t that a beauty.
They’re not naming the suspect yet, but it is certainly another black she was also having sex with.
This is what happens when you let a teenage girl roam loose – they find all the black cock they can locate and gobble it up like fiends. Then, inevitably, she gets her wish and the bucks start locking horns with each other to lay claim on the pussy.
Look at her step-dad with his faggot hipster flat-hat and try-hard queer tattoos:
“My wife’s daughter is dead!” he hollered.
Many such cases.
People defend teen sluts and say they don’t know what they’re doing. Let me tell you something: they know exactly what they’re doing, and we can only hope they get what they deserve, which is a brutal death in a hail of bullets.
If I was President of America, I would give the shooter the medal of freedom award for putting this trollop where she belongs: in the grave.