Fat Jiggaboo Arrested After “Stray Bullet” Kills Pastor’s Daughter

Deon’te Copkney.

Blacks are so chaotic and reckless that they’ll often kill humans even when they’re not trying to.

This isn’t the first time a white person has died after a chimpfight broke out nearby, and it won’t be the last.


The woman shot at a First Friday celebration in the Crossroads District has been identified as Erin Langhofer, 25, daughter of Church of the Ressurection Pastor of Recovery Ministries Tom Langhofer, the church’s communication director Cathy Bien said. Police have confirmed the identity.

Photo from the Jackson County Prosecutor’s Office

Erin’s uncle, Steve Langhofer, also works at the church as a Congregational Care pastor. Erin grew up attending the church.

Langhofer was attending the celebration with her boyfriend when a fight broke out nearby, Bien said. Several shots were fired, and Langhofer was struck by a stray bullet.

Three suspects have been taken into custody. One of them, Deon’te Copkney, 18, is charged with 2nd degree murder after he was found with the gun, according to court documents.

Erin Langhofer.