Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 25, 2020

While in the US every single heterosexual man in the country has been declared a de facto rapist by the court system, Malaysia is holding it down and showing no sympathy for these hoes.
A flight attendant who was sacked for being about 700g heavier than the airline’s maximum weight allowance has lost her unfair dismissal case in court.
Malaysia Airlines flight supervisor Ina Meliesa Hassim had been with the airline for about 25 years when she lost her job in 2017.
Under company policy, flight attendants had to ensure their body mass index (BMI) was in the “healthy” range, Malaysian news outlet The Edge Markets reported. For 160cm-tall Ms Hassim, that meant her weight could be no greater than 61kg.
Her contract was terminated when an official weigh-in found she weighed 61.7kg.
Ms Hassim filed a complaint against the company for unfair dismissal.
But a Malaysian industrial court ruled in favour of Malaysia Airlines at a hearing on February 14.
Did the judge also slap her fat ass as she exited the courtroom?
This is great and it is inspirational.
Remember: there is no actual legitimate reason why technological advancement leads to the institutionalization of anti-social behavior.
Because that is what they’re saying when they talk about “progress.” The only objective progress we’ve experienced is in the field of technological innovation, and then they claim that this means you have to have all of these new bizarre social norms.
Yes, technological advancement did mean that it was going to be more likely for women to work, but it did not mean that they had to take over.