Tucker Carlson on Monday did an informative report about how the blacks have begun slaughtering white people in Atlanta, Georgia.
However, random attacks on whites are not a big deal, and in fact, they are good. Whites deserve it after everything they did with the Holocaust and slavery.
The real threat to people’s safety?
Even the feds admit it.
The only solution is more spying and more internet censorship.
A new federal intelligence report warns that adherents of QAnon, the conspiracy theory embraced by some in the mob that stormed the U.S. Capitol, could target Democrats and other political opponents for more violence as the movement’s false prophecies increasingly fail to come true.
Many QAnon followers believe former President Donald Trump was fighting enemies within the so-called deep state to expose a cabal of Satan-worshipping cannibals operating a child sex trafficking ring. Trump’s loss to President Joe Biden disillusioned some believers in “The Storm,” a supposed reckoning in which Trump’s enemies would be tried and executed. Some adherents have now pivoted into believing that Trump is the “shadow president” or that Biden’s victory was a sham.
The report was compiled by the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security and released Monday by Sen. Martin Heinrich, a New Mexico Democrat. It predicts that while some QAnon adherents will pull back, others “likely will begin to believe they can no longer ‘trust the plan’ referenced in QAnon posts and that they have an obligation to change from serving as ‘digital soldiers’ towards engaging in real world violence.”
As major social media companies suspend or remove QAnon-themed accounts, many followers have moved to less well-known platforms and discussed how to radicalize new users on them, the report says.
The report says several factors will contribute to QAnon’s long-term durability, including the COVID-19 pandemic, some social media companies allowing posts about the theories, societal polarization in the U.S., and the “frequency and content of pro-QAnon statements by public individuals who feature prominently in core QAnon narratives.”
Heinrich and Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., requested the assessment in December. Heinrich pressed FBI Director Chris Wray during an intelligence committee hearing in April to release an assessment of how the government views QAnon. “The public deserves to know how the government assesses the threat to our country from those who would act violently on such beliefs,” he said then.
Yes, this is a report from the federal authorities, commissioned by Democrats, that is demanding more internet censorship.
But it isn’t against the First Amendment if the feds demand that private companies end freedom of speech as long as the private companies are the ones who actually do the censoring.
The AP piece goes on to say that the Capitol Storm was just the beginning of “QAnon violence,” and then talks about QAnon theories like they are a brain virus that takes over people’s bodies and makes them do things against their will.
Lawyers for some of the defendants have argued their clients were specifically misguided by QAnon.
Defense attorney Christopher Davis argued that his client, Douglas Jensen, is a victim of internet-driven conspiracy promoted by “very clever people, who were uniquely equipped with slight, if any, moral or social consciousness.” Jensen now realizes that he “bought into a pack of lies,” his lawyer maintains.
“For reasons he does not even understand today, he became a ‘true believer’ and was convinced he doing a noble service by becoming a digital soldier for ‘Q.’ Maybe it was mid-life crisis, the pandemic, or perhaps the message just seemed to elevate him from his ordinary life to an exalted status with an honorable goal,” Davis wrote.
A witness told the FBI that another defendant, Kevin Strong, expressed a belief that Jan. 6 would usher in “World War 3” and the military would be involved. Strong, who was a Federal Aviation Administration employee in San Bernardino, California, had a flag with a QAnon slogan on his house and has declared that he had “Q clearance,” an FBI agent wrote in an affidavit.
“He had recently purchased a new truck and believed that QAnon would cover the debt,” the agent wrote.
No, it’s true QAnon will pay for your truck – I recently bought a massive super-truck, and when the bill came I just wrote “Q” on the form and they sent me a letter saying it was fully paid.
Q will pay for any truck that is being used to fight for freedom and stop the pedophiles.
But Seriously…
QAnon is a result of censorship. The movement didn’t get big until after the mass censorship campaign began.
Me and my people were intensely frustrated by the fact that we didn’t have access to Facebook or Twitter to try to talk sense into these Q people – as these theories were allowed to run wild and unimpeded on those platforms.
Someone needs to explain why Trump’s core 2016 supporters were banned from the internet at the same time that this Q stuff was being promoted – what exactly was going on there?
I absolutely could have single-handedly talked sense into all of these people, but I was totally banned – ostensibly because I made a joke about a fat woman who died of a heart attack. What is that?
Anyway, it’s easy to understand why so many people bought into Q, when they were blocked from viewing any other alternative information.
Basically, boomers figured out that everything they’d been told was a lie, and they were then ready to believe anything – and there was Q. It was obviously some kind of intelligence operation, which we will probably never know the details of. Someone put this information out there to prevent all of these people from figuring out the truth about the Jewish problem. It was a substitute conspiracy theory, designed to misdirect. And it worked.
All that having been said: imagining that there is some secret group of boomers who are mind-controlled by Q theories that are going to overthrow the government is more paranoid and insane than anything any Q follower believes.
This “QAnon terror threat” conspiracy is basically taking the original QAnon theory and flipping it, using it on the other end. QAnon was used to distract people from the real problems Donald Trump was facing – primarily, Jared Kushner and other Jews – and replace it with a boogieman. The QAnon terror threat is being used to distract people from rising black violence, from growing income inequality, from the collapsing economy, from the fact that Joe Biden is not doing anything for anyone other than Jews, and is apparently trying to start a bunch of new wars.
The QAnon terror threat also justifies even more aggressive infringement on our rights, and the establishment of a militarized police state – right in the middle of a government-backed program that says all cops are evil racists!
What the media talks about never has any connection at all to reality. There is always some kind of narrative that is designed to push people in a certain direction, based on emotional manipulation, and the things the government wants never have anything to do with the actual narrative being presented.