Female German Politician Admits Lying About Race of Gang-Rapists

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 6, 2016


Bitch said the attackers looked something like this.


In actually reality, they looked like this.

Finally: further evidence of the need to remove men from political office and replace them all with women.

Daily Mail:

A young left-wing German politician has admitted she lied to police about the racial background of three men who raped her in case it triggered reprisals against refugees in her country.

Selin Gören, the national spokeswoman of the left-wing youth movement Solid, was attacked by three men in January in the city of Mannheim where she works as a refugee activist.

The 24-year-old was ambushed late at night in a playground where she said she was forced to perform a sex act on her attackers.

After the assault she went straight to the police – but she did not tell them the ethnic make-up of the men, that they were speaking Arabic or Farsi.

Selin, aware of the backlash that migrants suffered after the events in Cologne on New Year’s Eve – when hundreds of women were sexually assaulted and robbed by marauding gangs of immigrant youths – instead said she was robbed and said her attackers spoke German.

Now she has told Germany’s Spiegel magazine why she lied. After her initial interview at the end of January she returned to the police 12 hours later to tell them the real story.

She said a friend talked her into going back to the police with the real story because another woman had been raped in the area – an accusation later retracted by the alleged victim.

Women’s rights vs. migrant worship!


Selin Gören: She’s also fat, as is the case with many lying whores.

Such conflict in her mind!

Selin, who has visited refugee camps in Iraq where she was shocked at the squalor people are living in, did not want to stoke ‘more hatred against migrants ín Germany.’

To help her cope she wrote an open letter to a fictional refugee and posted it on Facebook. It read in part: ‘I am really sorry that your sexist and line-crossing treatment of me could help fuel aggressive racism.

‘I’m going to scream… I will not stand by and watch, and it can happen that racists and concerned citizens name you as the problem. You’re not the problem. You’re usually a wonderful human being who deserves as much as any other to be safe and free.

‘I will not stand by and watch and let it happen that racists and concerned citizens name you as the problem.’

Will she be punished for making false statements to the police and purposefully obstructing an investigation, a crime that often carries a years-long sentence when men do it?

Of course not.

vagina privilege

Women are exactly equal to men in every single way, exactly as capable of doing everything, and so should be promoted over men at every opportunity in order to prove their equality. However, that certainly doesn’t mean that they should ever be held responsible for their own behavior.

Expecting women to be responsible for their own behavior is just more sexist misogyny. How can a woman be responsible for her own behavior when she is the victim of the entire world, forever?