Female Judge Fired for Allegedly Calling a Nigger the N-Word

This is pure evil.

I’ve never heard of something so evil in my life as someone saying a mean word in a private setting. This is what is destroying our precious democracy.


Louisiana Judge Michelle Odinet resigned on Friday after backlash to a video appearing to show her using a racial slur.

In the video, a woman’s voice can be heard saying the N-word twice and comparing a Black suspect on camera to a roach.

Odinet is “humiliated, embarrassed, and sorry for what she has done,” her lawyer told Insider.

What an evil person.

This is the same darkness that caused the Holocaust, when six million Jews were masturbated to death with an electric roller coaster as a pack of wolves tried in vain to save them from Hitler’s wrath.

We need to work to empower communities of color if we really want to strengthen this great democracy.

We also need more satanic trannies touching toddlers.

There are three major threats to our democracy:

  1. People saying mean words
  2. Not enough trannies dressed up like demons fondling toddlers
  3. The integrity of the Ukrainian border

If these issues aren’t solved quickly and decisively, our democracy simply will not survive.

Thankfully, we have a man in the White House who is capable of taking on this triple threat: a strong, decisive man who is unfazed by the threat of a trifecta of pure evil.