Every single power that men have is being stripped from them, to weight the system entirely in favor of female domination.
One of the last abilities that a man had to push back against women was to send them a picture of his dick.
Men who send unsolicited ‘d**k pics’ could be jailed for up to six months under new laws being proposed in Finland.
Ministers want to amend the country’s sexual harassment laws to include sending explicit images, along with verbal and text harassment.
Under current Finnish law, an offense is only considered to be sexual harassment if it involves physical touching.
Some offenders who send explicit photos have been prosecuted under the country’s defamation laws.
However, campaigners have been asking for the law to be changed because it does not take into account the sexual nature of the crime.
Sami Kiriakos, from Finland’s justice ministry, said the new law could be submitted ‘some time next year’ before being put before parliament for a vote.
How many times have you been cornered by some bitch and been left with no way out other than to text her a picture of your dick?
Imagine if your last ability to fight back was stripped from you.
It will be. Oh, it will be. Any of these extreme laws introduced in random countries soon become the norm. They often start them in small countries like Finland where they are more easily able to push through extreme ideas, and then the rest of the world points to that country and says, “see, they did it and it was fine.”
I have gone along with the rules. I don’t beat women, nor do I rape them or kill them. But I will never stop sending women pictures of my dick. That is where I draw the line. If sending women dick pics is outlawed, than I will become an outlaw.
When freedom is outlawed, the freedom fighter becomes an outlaw.
That is the iron law of nature itself.
Dick pics are the last stand of men against the matriarchy.