FOIA Request for Information on White Supremacists Returns Info on Remote Mind Control

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 21, 2018

Okay so this is… relatively concerning.

It would be concerning in any case, but the fact that this is in a file about “white supremacists” makes it 10x more concerning.

Like… srsly.


The Washington State Fusion Center, a multi-agency counterterrorism center, accidentally released some puzzling documents this week: A dossier on the effects of remote mind control, a media report claims.

Investigative journalism site Muckrock filed a Freedom of Information Act request with the center, looking for documents on Fusion’s investigations into white supremacist groups and far-left activists Antifa. Among the trove of documents they got back was a file titled “EM effects on human body.”

The file contained an apparent explanation of the effects of electromagnetic waves on the human body. These waves, one document explained, can read and broadcast a person’s thoughts, manipulate their limbs, control their dreams, and create sensations, from agonizing all-over body pain to involuntary orgasm, the report states.

Another document seems to explain how electromagnetic mind-control weapons can be deployed by satellite, through mobile phones, or from equipment hidden in the back of a sinister-looking black van.

Nowhere in the file is any research by the Center on this technology mentioned, nor is the origin of the images explained. No agency logos are present on the images, and it is unclear whether they were intended for a different release or not. Likewise, they could simply have belonged to a member of staff and found their way into the FOIA release by accident.

According to Popular Mechanics, some of the images are from an article in Nexus magazine, a fringe Australian publication about conspiracy theories and the paranormal. The article in question describes a lawsuit filed by a John St. Clair Agnew against the NSA in 1992. Agnew claimed that the NSA used electromagnetic technology to “assassinate US citizens covertly or run covert psychological control operations to cause subjects to be diagnosed with ill mental health.”


These don’t look like… what you would expect to see in actual NSA documents about remote mind control, if such documents did indeed exist.

They could have been added to the file purposefully to make us paranoid. We are already paranoid. Or it could be some weird accident.



If I ever go nuts, please assume that it is because of remote mind control rather than some regular run of the mill mental breakdown.