Fox News Dog Trainer Adds Important Fact to Interview: “Epstein Didn’t Kill Himself”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 4, 2019

Okay this is for sure the new meme.

Just end sentences whenever possible with “and Jeffrey Epstein didn’t kill himself.”

New York Post:

A former Navy SEAL invited on Fox News to talk about military dogs suddenly went off-topic when he blurted out, “Epstein didn’t kill himself.”

Warrior Dog Foundation founder Mike Ritland was on “Watters’ World” Saturday to discuss the heroism of dogs like Conan, the Belgian Malinois wounded as he helped take down ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

At the end of his segment, Ritland asked to do a “PSA” to discourage people from rushing out to adopt the military-used dogs — then sneaked in at the end, “And Epstein didn’t kill himself.”

“Alright,” host Jesse Waters initially replied, quickly breaking into laughter as it appeared to sink in what the former SEAL had said.

“OK. Thank you for that commentary,” Watters said, still chuckling. “Maybe more on that later,” he smiled as the segment ended.

Jeffrey Epstein’s death in his Manhattan lockup in August has long sparked conspiracy theories — which were heightened last Wednesday when famed pathologist Dr. Michael Baden claimed the politically-connected moneyman was killed.

“I think that the evidence points toward homicide rather than suicide,” Baden, who monitored the autopsy on behalf of Epstein’s brother, insisted on Fox News.

However, the city’s chief medical examiner, Dr. Barbara Sampson, dismissed his claims later the same day.

“Our investigation concluded that the cause of Mr. Epstein’s death was hanging and the manner of death was suicide,” Chief Medical Examiner Dr. Barbara Sampson said in a statement. “We stand by the determination.”

Ritland, who fought in Operation Iraqi Freedom, started the Warrior Dog Foundation “with the sole purpose of giving back to the Special Operations K-9 Community,” his website says.

I would actually like to see this incorporated into Groyper War.

I don’t know if Charlie Kirk and the Orcas would push back (they probably wouldn’t), but it would definitely get the sympathy of the audience to drop this in there.

Like, when Charlie says “do you have anything else?” just say “Yes, I just wanted to add that Jeffrey Epstein didn’t kill himself.”