France: 92% of Moslems Voted Macron

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 10, 2017

People keep telling me that the majority of Western European whites don’t actually want to be destroyed/Islamized.

But the fact is, they clearly think that they want to be destroyed/Islamized, and are behaving as though they want to be destroyed/Islamized.

and in this latest French situation, you can’t even blame women.

Diversity Macht Frei:

This is from the French Catholic newspaper La Croix. Le Pen got 38% of the Catholic vote, slightly higher than the average for the country. It seems that adherents of every other religion voted disproportionately for Macron. Jews are not listed separately. Unsurprisingly, Macron got 92% of the Muslim vote.

We need to be realistic, and we need to start accepting that the majority of people in de-Christianized Western Europe do at least think they want to be Islamized.

If we don’t accept that this is part of the problem we are looking at, we’re not going to be able to fix the problem.

The white pill here is that he minds of the masses can be changed very quickly. We need to understand that. But we need to understand that right now, in countries like France and Germany, there is a conscious desire among the people to destroy their own nations, histories and race.