France: “Allah Akber” Driver Runs People Down in His Jihadmobile

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 22, 2014

Le great job!

France.  What a ridiculous country.

Do you know they have basically combined with Morocco, and now they are whining because Moslems are attacking them, which the Moslems were openly saying they were going to do when they French let them in the country?  It’s like shooting yourself in the head and then being like “oh I didn’t know bullets come out of this thing.”

Following the “allah akber” knife attack on police on Saturday in France, an “allah akber” driving massacre has occurred, as an irate brown man drove around hitting people with his car while yelling “allah akber.”

It happened in Dijon, and 11 people were injured, two of them seriously so.


He was arrested after targeting pedestrians in five different parts of the city in the space of half an hour.

He is said to be “apparently imbalanced” and to have spent time in a psychiatric hospital.

The lives of the two people seriously injured in Dijon are not said to be in danger.

Witnesses told police the driver, aged around 40, had also said he was “acting for the children of Palestine”, an unnamed source close to the investigation told AFP news agency.

A spokesman for the interior ministry told French TV he believed the attacker had been acting alone.

The driver has been known to police for minor incidents dating back 20 years, he added.

The French Prime Minister, Manuel Valls, tweeted (in French) to express his “solidarity” with the victims.

This phrase “allah akber” is commonly screamed by Moslems while they murder people, and means “allah is great” in their primitive monkey language. Allah is the name of their tribal god, who is embodied by a gigantic black rock which they pray to.

Here are some pictures of the incident.

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Thinking about what benefit it was to our countries to invite all of these people in so that they could run us down in the streets with their cars because their god wants them to or whatever, I drew a blank.

And then I remembered:


But them I was like “wait, don’t Greeks make that same thing?  Maybe would could convince the Greeks to come run the gyro stands in our countries, then we wouldn’t have to have all of these millions of people trying to murder us running around demanding free everything and raping all the women?  Wouldn’t that be better?”

“But then what will we do with all of the Moslems already here?” you ask.

Well, they liking driving, apparently.  We’ll put them in a little competition. If they win, they’ll be able to go free to Africa.