France: Alone in the Dark for Ukraine – Let Your Seething Hatred for Putin be Your Guiding Light!

Electricity isn’t the only thing that can light up le life.

You can light your path with blind hatred for Russian people who literally never even did anything to you!


French President Emmanuel Macron on Thursday called on the government and citizens to prepare for a total halt of Russian natural gas supplies, restricting energy use whenever possible.

“We should prepare ourselves for the scenario where we have to go without all Russian gas,” he said, speaking in a televised interview to mark Bastille Day. “The summer, early autumn will be very hard,” the French president warned, referring to the skyrocketing energy costs.

He instructed the government to prepare a “sobriety plan” to conserve energy, which would start with turning off public lights at night when they aren’t useful.

France will keep looking to diversify gas sources, Macron said, calling for a faster shift toward offshore windfarms and more European cross-border energy cooperation to weather the current crisis.

Windmills roflmao.

How do they keep saying this with a straight face?

He might as well say that we’re going to use a Dyson sphere to harvest the energy from a black hole.

That would be more believable than windmill mania.

Macron also cryptically warned that until we build these windmills, being alone in the dark could lead to The New Nightmare.

He did not elaborate on what that meant, as he disappeared behind a curtain, laughing.