France: Le Pen’s New Strategy – Promise Billions for Negro Savages

Daily Stormer
May 4, 2017

This bitch has gone off the deep end.

Marine Le Pen has been running on a sort of mild patriotic platform until now. Her signature issue has been the EU – a Jewed-out, communist super-state draining money from France in order to finance Greece, Poland, Spain and company.

She’s built-up a sizable base by asking the question “why should the French pay for this, while the EU floods us with Africans against our will?”

But now that she’s reached the 11th hour, Marine reveals a bold new proposal: sending vast amounts of French wealth to Africans.

They need more money for their… thing… project… something. Hey, I’m sure they won’t spend it on crack, ok?

Le Figaro:

(My translation)

Marine Le pen, cadidate for the FN in the second round of the presidential election, has promised on Tuesday night that she would devote 0.7% of the French GDP to “cooperation with Africa. This was during a meeting in Paris dedicated to African politics.

“The African states are abandoned – development aid has been drastically reduced. I commit to dedicating, before 2022, 0.7% of the French wealth to cooperation with Africa,” Le Pen declared to around 50 Africans living in France. “We’ll insure that it’s used well,” she promised. “0.7% is about fifteen billion euros, far more than the 400 million currently spent, in reality, to the development of Africa.”

Let’s put that number in perspective, shall we?

France is currently making a net payment of around 6-7 billion euros to the EU (2014 numbers). In other words, Le Pen is promising to leave the EU, and then spend TWICE that amount of money on useless monkeys.

I’m getting excited, guys. Are you getting excited? Don’t you think this was just what was needed to turn this thing around?


B-but… She just proved she’s not a racist after all! How can people not vote for her after that?

Vapes? Check. Not racist? Check. Well, she’s got my vote, guys.

Now, some people may think that this is an outstandingly stupid decision. Fair enough.

My own theory, however, is that the space-time disturbance responsible for Trump’s apparent u-turns is also creating a new reality – a reality in which spending all of a nation’s money on third-worlders in order to please a tiny minority of negroes is an effective strategy for getting a right-wing nationalist party elected.

I guess we’ll see what happens soon enough.

Three days left.