Trump to Negotiate with Putin in Order to Save ISIS

Daily Stormer
May 3, 2017

“Putin – we gotta talk about the ISIS. They’re great guys, you know? Wonderful people. I love the ISIS. We love our ISIS, don’t we? Don’t we just love our ISIS?”

You know, we may have been wrong about this whole “u-turn” business. It’s all a question of perspective, after all.

Maybe Trump isn’t, in fact, turning at all. He might be going in a straight line. Trump train and everything.

It could be, instead, that the entire fabric of space-time is warping – to merely create the illusion of a perpetual u-turn.

This may seem like an insane theory. But according to Occam’s razor, it may be the most rational one we’ve found yet.

In this sense, Trump’s new strategy to help ISIS doesn’t represent a brand new, unexpected u-turn, but a continuation of his previous policies – albeit, in a twisted new universe.

New York Times:

President Trump reopened direct communications with President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia on Tuesday and sought to reignite what he hoped would be a special relationship by agreeing to work together to broker a cease-fire in war-torn Syria.

Let’s be clear here.

A cease-fire can only help ISIS. The Syrians are winning the war. A cease-fire will give the terrorists the opportunity to rearm and reorganize, while repositioning their troops for a new wave of attacks.

Not to mention that ISIS didn’t exactly respect past cease-fire agreements.

I guess Israel need a period of peace to safely rearm their terrorist pets.

In their first telephone conversation since the United States launched a cruise missile strike on Syria’s Moscow-backed military to retaliate for a chemical weapons attack on civilians, Mr. Trump agreed to send a representative to Russian-brokered cease-fire talks that start on Wednesday in Astana, Kazakhstan. He and Mr. Putin also discussed meeting each other in Germany in July.

But American and Russian officials offered divergent accounts of their interest in establishing safe zones in Syria to protect civilians suffering from a relentless, six-year civil war. A White House statement said the two leaders had discussed such zones “to achieve lasting peace for humanitarian and many other reasons.” The Kremlin statement made no mention of safe zones, and Mr. Putin’s spokesman said they had not been discussed in detail.

Yeah. The Russians know damn well that any cease fire at this point is only an attempt to snatch victory out of their hands and buy time. They practically have their swords at ISIS’s throat – what is appropriate at this point isn’t a cease-fire, but a surrender.

But who knows. This might be 8d chess again.