France: People Rioting, Throwing Firecrackers at Drug Dealers Near Stalingrad Metro Area

Pretty much any time a group of mostly white people engages in any form of civil protest, they are at least called “racists” and “white supremacists.” We’ve seen this with all the anti-lockdown protests. The Boogaloo Boys are homosexuals who support Black Lives Matter, and they are called a white supremacist terrorist group.

The Proud Boys are more right-wing than the Boogaloo Boys, but their leader (now confirmed to be an FBI agent) was literally a negro, and they were called a white supremacist gang.

The media won’t ever explain anything, so you just have to try and pick up on cues.

There is currently some violence happening in France, which the media seems to imply has right-wing undertones (opposition to drug dealing and drug addicts).

It’s not 100% clear from the videos, but given that it hasn’t been called a “neo-Nazi uprising” yet, we can likely assume a large chunk of these rioters are nonwhite.


For two nights in a row, residents of the northern Paris neighbourhood near the Stalingrad metro station have clashed with drug addicts and dealers, targeting them with mortar fireworks.

Residents of the 19th district of Paris reported the clashes on social media, posting videos of incidents in which local youths had targetted the drug addicts over the weekend.

“For two nights, we’ve been living in horror. We’re in the middle of Paris and hear gunshots, and we’re not sleeping,” a 30-year-old local stated, while another told Le Figaro that the attacks were focused on an area known for drug dealing.

(The use of guns also implies that it is nonwhites – if whites were going to cleanse a neighborhood of drug addicts, they would probably use bats and clubs. We’ve seen that with the Golden Dawn in Greece.)

A police source confirmed to the newspaper that the attackers were local young people who had become frustrated with the urban insecurity related to the presence of the addicts and dealers.

Residents have formed associations aimed at putting pressure on local government to act. But according to Pierre Liscia, head of the Libres! party, residents are proposing more “radical solutions” to the problems.

A Twitter account user operating under the moniker “Stalincrack” has spoken of the problems in the 19th district for over a year, according to Le Figaro, while some have warned that residents are “radicalising”.

“Dialogue with these people is no longer possible,” the person behind the Stalincrack account told the newspaper.

They added: “But we can’t throw stones at them. From our living rooms, we see people being stabbed, assaulted, shouted at… The inhabitants have reached a point of no return. Now we anticipate that dealers will organise their response, and it could go far. Parisians are going to discover urban guerrilla warfare.”

That Syrian child refugee finally found his home

Mayor of the 19th district, François Dagnaud, admitted the area faces serious problems and that while he understood the frustration of those firing mortar fireworks at dealers and addicts, he said the incidents were a “dangerous expression of a feeling of revolt”.

Similarly, residents of the 17th district of Paris stated earlier this year that they were prepared to take security measures into their own hands if the police and government refused to deal with the growing levels of urban insecurity in their area.

The northern Paris area is not the only region of France to see multiple-day long incidents of urban violence in recent days.

The article goes on to say that there is violence across the city, much of which is not related to an agenda to clear out drug gangs.

It would be inspirational if a group of white “youths” used the opportunity of widespread “urban violence” to clear drug addicts out of their neighborhood. But honestly, the videos that are popping up don’t even make it clear that this is related to drug addicts at all.

This is a big deal in the French media, and this whole “drug gangs” thing could just be made up (all the above Breitbart report is doing is translating French media).

But who the hell knows what the hell is going on anymore.

One thing that we can say for sure: most urban violence is committed by brown people. For better or worse, that is simply a fact.

As French as eating snails and frogs