France: Police Investigating Black Gang’s Attack on White Kid

It’s never nice to watch Frenchmen attack one of their own people.

Daily Mail:

Police are investigating a ‘racist attack’ after footage of a white schoolboy being kicked and beaten by a group of eight black teenagers in France was uploaded and shared on social media.

A video on Twitter shows the teenager being repeatedly kicked in the commuter town of Etampes, south of Paris.

Around eight youths are involved in the assault, which took place outside the Jean-Etienne Guettard high school.

The boy being assaulted is the only white person in the film, prompting accusations that he may have been attacked because of his colour.

One poster wrote: ‘In Etampes, a band of thugs attacked one white high school student for fun while those filming laugh. This racist, anti-white aggression is one too much.’

The video is not dated, a source told the Parisien news outlet, adding: ‘We see a teenager on the ground taken to task by eight other young people.

‘Laughing, they kick him then one of the attackers jumps on the young man. Behind the camera, we hear laughter then a girl’s voice which says: “It’s not easy”.’