French President Declares Fighting “Racism” and “Anti-Semitism” His National Cause for 2015

Daily Slave
January 3, 2015

France’s President Francois Hollande is running the country like a Jew.

The Marxist President of France Francois Hollande has declared that he would make fighting “racism” and “anti-Semitism” his national cause for 2015.  So basically he wants to make sure the feelings of Jews and Muslims are not hurt, even though these are the two groups of people that are causing the most problems in the country.  It is completely insane that he has made this a top priority for his office.

Times of Israel:

French President Francois Hollande has used his New Year’s Eve television speech to say that the fight against racism and anti-Semitism will be his national cause for 2015

Pointing out “the rising, worrying threats” of terrorism and fundamentalism, Hollande urged the French not to succumb to fear. He didn’t say how he would achieve his 2015 goal, but in an apparent reference to the far-right National Front, Hollande said France must remain in the eurozone.

This man is either being blackmailed, bribed, is mentally ill or is some type of crypto-Jew.  There are no other explanations as to why he would issue such a ridiculous speech.  It is no wonder why this clown’s approval rating is around 12%.  Instead of focusing in on stopping the Muslim invasion of France, he is more concerned that the feelings of invading hordes aren’t hurt by “racist” Frenchmen.

On top of that, he wants to ensure the feelings of Jews aren’t hurt even though most of the anti-Jew incidents are being caused by Muslims.  Good luck with that pal.  The Jews are the ones who have been pushing for a Muslim invasion of Europe which has been a completely insane plan from the start.

I cannot confirm if this man is a Jew, but it really doesn’t matter if he is or not because he’s running the country like one.  That much is obvious.