Full Interview with Dmitri Medvedev on the Collapse of the Western Order

Dmitri Medvedev was President of Russia for a while when Vladimir Putin was constitutionally restricted from continuing as President. They fixed the Constitution, and Putin is allowed to remain President indefinitely now.

Hilariously, this interview is banned from YouTube, and the official RT upload is on Odysee. Someone needs to tell Russia to get a channel on cozy.tv. (No shade on Odysee there, but I gotta shill cozy.)

Medvedev seemed a bit milquetoast, but that was part of some KGB fake-out. They had the West like, supporting him as if he was some sort of opposition figure. One of the Pussy Riot public sex events was called “Fucking for the Bear,” because “medved” means “bear.” I think they had like, a guy dressed in a bear suit or they were all dressed in bear suits. Having sex in public, mind you. (I wonder why the State Department never tried that stunt in China?)

This interview is interesting just to get a long form interview on what is going on from someone who is not Putin himself.

Or me.

Although, frankly, Medvedev sounds a lot like me.

He starts the interview by claiming outright that “Russia is more European than Europe,” and the inheritor of white Christian civilization. This is just a fact.

He then says that the West has to have an enemy, so they’ve targeted Russia. He attacks Joe Biden and the rest of the geriatrics running America as being too senile to even know what is going on.

The killshot was: “The unipolar world is over. The United States no longer rules the world.”

The whole world’s coming to an end, Mal.

He’s not joking about any of this stuff, but it is so funny to hear all of it said with a straight face. It almost feels like deadpan comedy. Not because of Medvedev, but just because of how ridiculous this entire global situation is.

It’s one great benefit of being Russia that you don’t have to rely on a constantly evolving series of ridiculous lies. They can just go out and say the truth. Obviously, there are a couple of taboos that they want to avoid, but sometimes they go ahead and break those taboos.

Anyway, this is a filler post, because I’m relaxing, but for those with time, this is definitely a lot more interesting than Sunday Morning talk shows. The lies just really become exhausting, even to me. Maybe especially to me, because I’ve kept such close track of all of this stuff, and understand that literally everything the Western media says is a lie.

If you had a drinking game watching CNN or Fox News where you drink every time a news caster or politician says something true about the Russia situation, everyone would get bored and go home. Conversely, if you did the drinking game where you drink every time they tell an easily proved lie, everyone would be passed out in five minutes.