Gallup Poll: 81% of Blacks Want the Same or More Police Presence

It doesn’t matter what blacks think about anything. That isn’t important to the system. The system is only concerned about black people insofar as they can use them to hurt white people.


Despite Black Lives Matter protests raging across the country and moves to defund police departments or cut back their budgets, a new poll suggests black citizens don’t support the efforts to remove cops from the streets.

The Gallup poll, released Wednesday, was conducted throughout July and involved over 36,000 adults across the US.

A whopping 81 percent of black respondents said they want police to spend the same amount of time in their neighborhoods that they already do or to have even more of a presence. The results are similar across races, with 88 percent of white Americans, 83 percent of Hispanic Americans, and 72 percent of Asian-Americans all saying the same thing.

The poll also confirmed that black Americans are more likely to see police presence in their communities, with 73 percent of respondents answering that they notice cops in their neighborhoods “sometimes” or “very often.” That’s compared to 65 percent of non-black respondents.

While that gap could be seen as supporting the charge that black communities are overpoliced, it had little impact on whether citizens wanted more or less police presence. “The slightly elevated frequency with which Black Americans see police in their neighborhood has limited impact on their preferences for changing the local police presence,” Gallup wrote in their findings.

About a third of black citizens who responded that they “often” see police in their neighborhoods said they would like there to be less of a presence, but over 50 percent in that category don’t want any change.

The poll did also show that very few black Americans are confident a run-in with a police officer will go well. Only 18 percent said they were very confident such an encounter would go well, while 43 percent said they were somewhat confident. That distrust of police actually jumps over to the general public, with 48 percent saying they were very confident an encounter with an officer will go well, while 37 percent were only somewhat confident.

While the results show a general apprehension to trusting police, especially among black Americans, there is little from the poll that supports the efforts in cities across the US that are either slashing police department budgets or moving to completely abolish them.

“The majority of all other Black Americans, including those who are ‘not too confident’ about receiving considerate police treatment, want the police to spend the same amount of time, with additional percentages favoring more time,” Gallup concludes.

We could have an open discussion about these things and come to conclusions that are good for both whites and blacks. That is not something that should be difficult.

We are never going to have any kind of open discussion about anything, however, because the conversation is totally controlled by the media, which is totally controlled by the Jews.