Godfrey Bouillon
Daily Stormer
April 15, 2015

Gawker is a slimy blog that regularly celebrates all sorts of degeneracy and attempts to tear down opponents with personal attacks. It was also a major player in the Great GamerGate Internet War on the side of the SJWs. So take the following with a massive grain of salt. Obviously, we can’t confirm whether this is true or not. Nonetheless, this wouldn’t be terribly surprising. Similar rumors have swirled around Tom’s fellow Republikike neoconservative Lindsey Graham for years.
[Tom] Cotton—who has been called a “conservative superstar” by the Atlantic and “the perfect Republican” by Jonathan Chait—has increasingly wedged himself into the national conversation in just his first few months in the Senate.
Yeah, they would call him that. Jonathan Chait is a Jew. The Atlantic is one of those publications where most of the writers toe the leftist SJW line on just about every issue except Israel. These guys have been working hard for years to make sure that the Republikike Party is led by a pro-Israel shabbos goy like Cotton and not dangerous thought criminals like Pat Buchanan or David Duke.
He has been featured twice in the New York Times in the last four weeks, once in March and most recently this weekend in a magazine interview in which he admits to indulging in birthday cake nearly every single day.
Again, we have the Jew York Times shilling heavily for this guy. They really want him to be the face of the Republikikes from now on.
But not only were his comments egregiously gross, they were also especially curious, because if you talk to just about anyone in Arkansas political circles—as well as average citizens in his hometown of Dardanelle—you’ll hear about a persistent rumor that Tom Cotton, a budding face of the GOP and outspoken opponent of homosexuality, is gay.
“I never seen tom with a girl or talk about one. rumor was he was gay but no proof ever found,” said one woman via Facebook who attended Dardanelle High with Cotton.
There is, if you look in the right places, scattered chatter about Cotton’s sexuality on the internet. There is a whole thread on the gay gossip site Datalounge. In 2012, the daughter of an Arkansas state senator was forced to apologize after tweeting that Cotton is gay, and a few months ago the story of his sexuality was picked up by none other than infamous rumormonger Chuck C. Johnson.
If you look at articles reporting Cotton’s recent marriage to his wife Anna, you’ll notice anonymous commenters calling the whole thing a sham.
This could be total bs on Gawker’s part (and the rumor mongers they’re quoting, some of whom are political operatives). On the other hand, Cotton definitely comes off as very awkward and effeminate and gives off a major weirdo-vibe. Regardless, he’s hellbent on having Whites die fighting Iran on behalf of his Israeli masters and he needs to be immediately removed from office on that basis alone. The “conservative” label is completely bankrupt at this point, having been completely co-opted by freaks and traitors hiding behind a veneer of pseudo-patriotism. Only hardcore National Socialism offers a way forward for the White race.
In the eternal quest for truth, we call upon readers to tweet Tom at @SenTomCotton and ask him directly whether he’s a flaming faggot or not.