George Floyd Idol Revealed in New York for Juneteenth

So, Juneteenth is a super-real holiday now, so we need new traditions.

We will worship idols of George Floyd, a man who sacrificed his life fighting against racism.


A six-foot-tall sculpture of George Floyd’s head has been unveiled in Brooklyn, New York City, both drawing praise and raising eyebrows. The statue was inaugurated by Floyd’s brother on the occasion of Juneteenth.

The larger-than-life art piece by sculptor Chris Carnabuci was installed at Brooklyn’s Flatbush Junction on Saturday. The unveiling ceremony was headlined by Terrence Floyd, who called the police killing of his brother a “sacrifice” to the cause of racial justice.

New York Council Member Farah Louis described Floyd’s legacy as “truly monumental,” insisting that it was not “just a figure of speech.” Louis argued that Floyd’s death became a springboard for America to reckon with its legacy of “systemic racism and police brutality.”

The sculpture will remain at the junction for several weeks before it is relocated to Union Square in Manhattan.

The statue is white to represent the purity of Floyd, and the purity of his noble sacrifice.

Juneteenth was either today or yesterday.

I hope that everyone figured out which day it was, and went to their local George Floyd idol to bow down before his beast-like visage, and pray for forgiveness. You must try to purify the evil that lives inside you.

Remember, whitey: it was you that sacrificed that innocent man, and it is his noble blood that curses your head.