Georgia School Fires Female Teacher for Reading Faggot Book to Fifth Graders

When you’re in fifth grade, you start thinking “I’d like to get fucked up my ass.” But it’s embarrassing to ask your parents about how to lube up your ass so some guy can fuck you.

We need teachers to be able to explain to ten-year-olds how to lube up their asses to take a dick.

New York Post:

A Georgia school district fired a veteran teacher after parents balked at her reading a picture book about gender identity to a class of fifth graders.

The Cobb County School Board voted 4-3 Thursday to terminate Due West Elementary’s Katie Rinderle, who’s been teaching for 10 years — overruling a panel of retired educators who said even though she violated district policies, she should not be fired, according to 11 Alive.

Katie Rinderle, center

After the March class reading of “My Shadow Is Purple,” a book that discusses gender identity and centers on a non-binary character, parents of Rinderle’s 10- and 11-year-old students were angry.

The concern triggered a new state law placing restrictions on how grade school teachers can discuss race and other topics in the classroom.

Rinderle’s lawyer Craig Goodmark, however, argued teachers across the state had barely been informed about what is now legal under the state’s new law against “divisive concepts” — topics that require parental consent before being taught in classrooms.

“She’s disappointed that it went this way, especially after two days of hearings, and she still doesn’t know what’s controversial, what’s divisive or what’s sensitive,” Goodmark said, the news outlet reported.

Attorney Craig Goodmark reading the faggot book

“It’s impossible for a teacher to know what’s in the minds of parents when she starts her lesson,” Goodmark added. “And for parents to be able, with a political agenda from outside the classroom, to come in and have a teacher fired, is simply unfair, it’s not right, and it’s terrible for Georgia’s education system.”

While Rinderle may consider options to an appeal of her ouster, her lawyer said the board’s decision does not impact her teaching certificate, so she could work for another school district.


The argument is “you don’t have a right to deny your kids anal.” This means both that the school is allowed to teach your kids anal against your will, and it increasingly means that the government is allowed to take your kids if you tell them not to do anal.

There is precedent for both.

There is supposedly a “scientific consensus” that rocks can explode from nothingness, then transform into bacteria, then transform into fish, then transform into monkeys, then transform into humans. It’s called “the Big Bang theory and evolution” or alternatively “the magically manifested rock to human pipeline.” The government not only banned prayer in schools, based on Jewish mumbo jumbo, but then decided they could teach this other religion of “spontaneously appearing rocks turning into humans” against the will of Christian parents. (When I was a kid, this was a big deal with boomers – they didn’t want the “transforming creatures” theories taught to their kids, and there was no way to stop the school from doing it. Now all fat retard millennials who eat plastic will actually chuckle smugly if you say rocks can’t transform into animals.)

The second follows logically from the “child abuse” arguments when the government started telling parents they weren’t allowed to beat their kids.

The government never had these sorts of rights before. The King of England couldn’t tell you not to beat your kids, and come take them away if you did. It says in the Bible you’re supposed to beat your kids.

So, with teaching your kids anal:

  • “The Science” decides what is taught in schools, against the will of the parents
  • “The Science” says anal fisting is great for young boys

And this is the logic for taking your kids and making them gay:

  • The government is allowed to take your kids from you if you are doing something that is arbitrarily deemed morally wrong
  • Anal is a human right
  • The government can take your kids if you don’t teach them anal

Everything that is happening follows directly, logically, from precedent that was established decades ago. This is how Jews do you. It is all this legalistic process. They invented “ideologies” (communism, conservatism, libertarianism, capitalism, etc.) to get you on board with these absurd legalistic tricks that have been a part of their culture since Rabbinical Judaism was invented after the Jews were run out of the Holy Land by the Romans.

Elvis Dunderhoff contributed to this article.