Georgia: White Guy Goes on Rampage, Shoots Up Three Asian Handjob Centers, Killing 8 Hookers


The sheriff says that this faggot had a “sex addiction” and he viewed the poor hookers as “temptresses.”

What the heck?

Why would he not view pornography producers as tempting him? Or any of the other women who use sex to manipulate society? Elliot Rodger is rolling in his grave.

The Asian hookers keep inside their strip malls, and don’t go out trying to temp anyone who doesn’t walk in their shop. They’re the only women who don’t tempt, and instead deliver.

This is either an MK Ultra hoax, or this guy just snapped because of the pressure of the lockdown. It makes zero sense to blame the only useful women in the United States for sexual problems.

It sure is convenient to have a white man committing an interracial violence act, right in the middle of Biden trying to grab guns. They are going to spin this as “incel violence,” even though it is literally the opposite. This is pure male feminism in action.

RIP these hookers. They literally did nothing wrong.

Original article follows.

Here’s the weird story of the day.

According to AP, a 21-year-old white male is suspected of shooting up three separate handjob centers on Tuesday evening, starting at around 5 p.m.

Five people were shot at Youngs Asian Massage Parlor in a strip mall near a rural area in Acworth, 30 miles north of Atlanta.

Then, according to authorities, he drove into the Buckhead neighborhood of Atlanta, and shot up Gold Spa, before going across the street and shooting up Aromatherapy Spa.

Eight people are dead, all of them apparently Asian handjob artists of the kind who will probably also do sucky-sucky or even boom boom if you put enough money on the table.

The suspect is one Robert Aaron Long.

Why on earth would anyone do this?

In a world of total slut domination, and of total pussy lockdown, these Asian handjob places are one of the only places left on earth that a man can put money on the table in exchange for sexual release. Shooting these places up is a sick cruelty to all men in the West.

Even Governor Brian Kemp, who is himself deranged, called these actions deranged.

The media is claiming this is “anti-Asian,” but obviously it is anti-white male. White men are the ones who are being denied sex by their own women, and are forced to go to these handjob centers.

Now, these girls are going to be afraid to come over and offer these services, for fear of getting shot. This will also probably trigger a federal investigation into “sex trafficking,” which is what our feminist regime calls it when Asian prostitutes come to America to work in massage parlors.

It is difficult to imagine anything more sick than this. Given what all men have been through in the West, to start a problem at some of the few remaining brothels, and to kill the poor hookers – this is truly a tragedy, and I cannot even begin to imagine the reasoning behind it, other than feminism.

Long must be a feminist, intending to violently enforce the feminist agenda.

He could even have been programmed through MK Ultra as a mind controlled killer intent on wiping out the last sexual freedom of Western men.