German Politician Says Subhuman Invaders Should Live in People’s Homes

Diverstiy Macht Frei
September 5, 2014

"The time has come to put these doodz inside of ur base." -Martin Patzelt
“The time has come to put these doodz inside of ur base.” -Martin Patzelt

The German MP Martin Patzelt has called on Germans to welcome asylum seekers into their own homes. He is a member of the CDU, the nominally conservative party in Germany. At first, I thought he might have been saying this sarcastically, as a way to mock the exaggerated do-gooderism of the left and force them to come to terms with its financial consequences. But no. He really is serious.

In view of the acceptance of asylum seekers from the current, distressing civil wars, which is supported by a majority of the German parliament and hopefully also the majority of our people, I would like to propose a paradigm change in the accommodation of such refugees in our country.

The daily growing number of those seeking protection and help in German poses increasing financial and logistic challenges to us.

…For that reason I call upon the people in our country to consider receiving refugees, especially mothers with small children, in their own homes in the near future. In my experience, both the living space (there are often guest rooms available) and the material conditions are present (provision of accommodation costs) are such that the receipt of guests would not present significant burdens either financially or organisationally. Psychologically it would perhaps be a challenge (but also an opportunity) for new experiences.

Source Via: Unzensuriert