I keep joking that the Russian sanctions are a hunger strike. The West is not harming Russia at all with these sanctions, while punishing their own people, and saying that this is going to stop the Ukraine War.
They haven’t explained how this is supposed to work. A hunger strike is for the purpose of gathering sympathy. People who are political prisoners do this – starve themselves – in order to make a point about their mistreatment.
The West doing a hunger strike against Russia is just confusing, and it can’t possibly be on purpose – but they’re not backing down from it.
But when I was talking about this before, I meant it metaphorically. They are dropping their quality of life to… send a message to the Russians.
Now, it seems that Germans are actually being forced by their government to go on a literal hunger strike to show their support for gay Aryans in the Ukraine.
Nearly one in six Germans have been forced to skip meals regularly in order to make ends meet, according to a poll conducted earlier this week by the Institute for New Social Answers and published on Friday by the newspaper Bild. Another 13% say they fear such a situation if the increase in food prices continues.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, the hardest hit among poll respondents were low-income households – those with monthly incomes of less than €1,000 ($1,052) – 32% of which have been regularly forced to skip meals for financial reasons.
A significantly larger portion of poll respondents (42%) said they had been forced to cook more sparingly due to financial hardship, either leaving out certain ingredients from meals or forgoing dessert. Almost as many (41%) reported depending on special offers and discounts from supermarkets in order to get as much value for their money as possible.
The German Association for Social Affairs president Adolf Bauer, who has warned Berlin against joining the proposed EU-wide energy embargo against Russia, told Bild he was “greatly worried” by the results of the survey. He had previously anticipated that efforts to punish Moscow would lead to spikes in the price of energy, food and shelter and predicted that those efforts would cause more suffering among ordinary Germans than in Russia.
Verena Bentele, president of the Berlin-based advocacy group Social Association of Germany, said the poll results echoed her organization’s own concerns. “Members tell us they can only afford pasta and toast,” she told the outlet. She has been pleading with the government to abolish the value-added tax on fresh foods and provide more financial relief for those in need.
Yeah, you can’t abolish VAT – the government needs to pay for all the weapons they are sending to the Ukraine so Zelensky can sell them to terrorist groups and transfer the money to his off-shore accounts.
Germany could just give up on trying to dictate border skirmishes in the former USSR. Oh right – they can’t do that, because there are more than 30,000 US troops occupying their country to enforce US policy on the country.
Democracy dies in darkness and Germany would fall into darkness if it wasn’t occupied by tens of thousands of American soldiers. We can’t ever forget that thing with the electric floors and the dogs that were trained to attack.
The amazing thing is that no one votes on any of this.
What is a democracy?
There should be a nationwide “yah/nay” on whether or not you want to be forced into hunger into order to support the Jewish Aryan anal reich of the Ukraine by driving up oil prices to boost the Russian economy.
Apparently, it is just impossible for these people to admit that these sanctions are actually helping Russia. There is also of course the whole “Great Reset” thing, driving people into poverty on purpose so they will be forced to live in pods and eat bugs. But how does it make sense to do that when by doing it you are strengthening foreign powers who are going to be able to lord over you while your bug-eater peasants can’t afford to fund your war machine?
A German citizen recently asked about this, begging the German government “don’t leave me high, don’t leave me dry.”
He was promptly arrested for hate speech, and sentenced to 1,000 years in cryogenic freeze.
Zelensky is on the edge of victory, ready to move in on Moscow. Now is time for the slaves to shut their filthy peasant suck-holes and eat the bugs.