Didn’t I hear like three years ago that Angela Merkel was resigning because she did that thing where she brought those millions of illiterate Islamic terrorist gang-rapists into Europe?
What happens is that if she’s already resigning anyway, she is totally invincible and able to do whatever unpopular thing her globalist masters tell her to do.
Unvaccinated Germans could be barred from entering restaurants and cinemas if Germany is hit with a new Covid-19 wave, a top aide to Chancellor Angela Merkel said, adding that those vaccinated will “definitely have more freedom.”
Germany might be in for yet another wave of Covid-19 cases, Helge Braun, Merkel’s chief of staff, told Bild on Sunday. “The number of new infections is increasing even faster than in the previous waves. That worries me very much,” Braun, who is also a doctor, warned.
This fat slob is worried sick about his little babies!
German adults are all his widdle-bitty babies, and he is so worried for their widdle-bibble bodies!
I’m worried about his neck!
Where is it???
The official said Germany could reach 100,000 daily infections in just nine weeks, and this would likely prompt the government to take drastic measures.
“If we have a high rate of infection despite our testing procedures then the unvaccinated will have to reduce their contacts,” Braun said. This would mean that unvaccinated people would not be allowed to go to restaurants, cinemas, or stadiums, even if they were tested, simply because “the risk to everyone else is too high.”
Those who have been vaccinated will definitely have more freedom than those who have not been vaccinated.
Yes, you have a high infection rate despite your testing procedures.
Notice that in the summer time, they don’t even try to say people are dying from the alleged virus. They only do that in the winter time, when it is easy to launder deaths from the flu.
In the summer time, they just talk about their fake infection rate from their hoax PCR tests.
But you’re seeing it all unfold now, are you not?
They are setting up the unvaxxed for blame, they are setting them up for restriction, they are generally dehumanizing them.
This absolutely does break the Nuremberg Code, which says that people cannot be coerced into medical treatments against their will. That code was established based on the theory that the Nazis were coercing people into experiments. Obviously, it’s been shown to be a hoax that the Nazis were experimenting on people, but international law against experimenting on people is probably a good thing.
But the media doesn’t bring it up, so the goyim don’t even know it is illegal to coerce them into a medical experiment. A lot of these goyim don’t even know that the vaxx is experimental.
It is not a vaccine.
It is not a vaccine.
It is not a vaccine.