Germany Paying Albanians to Leave

Daily Stormer
October 25, 2015

Albanians: They all look like this.
Albanians: They all look like this.

It’s worth walking to Germany just to pick up the check. Not like Albanians have anything better to do.


Failed asylum seekers in Germany are voluntarily returning home, but only because the government is paying them.

The Federal Government has set aside some €2.14 million to pay for voluntary repatriations, which includes travel subsidies of €200 per person, although this does not include people who have entered Germany without a visa.

The amount each person receives also increases depending on the country they are returning to, with those going to Egypt, Ghana, Lebanon and Eritrea receiving €300, while those going back to Iraq or Afghanistan get up to €700 per person.

The figures come as Germany tightens its asylum laws, allowing for faster deportation and classifying the Balkan nations of Albania, Kosovo and Montenegro as “safe”, thus making it more difficult for people from those countries to claim asylum, and much easier to deport them.