Germany: Study Tells Stupid Goyim They Need Even More Brown Immigrants

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 28, 2015

Can you not take this man's helpful advice, you stupid goyim?  Don't you see that he is a friendly man, come to help you out of the kindness of his heart? <3<3<3
Can you not take this man’s helpful advice, you stupid goyim? Don’t you see that he is a friendly man, come to help you out of the kindness of his heart?

“Germany, we’ve conducted a very important study and found that you need more brown people if you hope to survive <3<3<3.” -Le Helpful Merchant


The number of people of working age in Germany will fall by around a third by 2050 if Europe’s biggest economy does not increase immigration from countries outside the European Union, a study published on Friday said.

Germany will need between 276,000 and 491,000 net immigrants from non-EU countries each year to safeguard its levels of prosperity and economic activity, said the study by the Bertelsmann foundation.

It predicted the working-age population would drop to under 29 million from about 45 million today if immigration didn’t pick up. Raising the retirement age to 70 and increasing the number of women in the workforce would only add around 4.4 million to the number of employed, the study added.

And what is Bertelsmann, you ask?  Why, a multinational mass media corporation of course!  The one thing you can always trust to be perfectly honestly with you, always: Jew media.

We can assure you, 100%, that they completely took into account the predictions that 50% of current jobs will be automated in the next 20 years, and also completely considered the effects that brown people welfare leeching has on the economy.  After all, they do these studies to help the goyim.

According to latest statistics, the number of foreigners living in Germany grew by 519,340, or 6.8 percent, in 2014 against the previous year — many of them Syrians fleeing war and Romanians and Bulgarians seeking work.

Almost 60 percent of the new immigrants came from EU member states. The total number of foreigners registered by the end of 2014 was 8.2 million, the highest since records began in 1967, in a country of just over 80 million people.

But as the whole of Europe grapples with shrinking birth rates and aging populations, the study’s authors expect the pool of qualified workers to dwindle.

As a consequence, Germany should focus on attracting talent from beyond Europe’s borders, it said.

Yes, yes, yes.  You stupid, filthy goyim.  You need these brown people because you are getting old.  They will take care of you in your nursing homes!  What are you going to do if you don’t have Negroes and Arabs to take care of you in nursing homes, goyim?

You goyim are just so stupid.  Sometimes, as a chosen one, I feel like I’m talking to a wall, trying to explain such simple things to you as that you need these Blacks in your nursing homes if you hope to survive.