Germany: White Mother Dies After Moslem Pushes Her in Front of a Train

Jackson B. and Anja N.

It’s always unfortunate when a member of a hostile alien tribe pushes an infidel in front of a moving train for literally no reason whatsoever.

Voice of Europe:

On Sunday morning, at the station in Voerde in North Rhine-Westphalia, 28-year-old Jackson B. pushed the 34-year-old victim Anja N., mother of a 13-year-old daughter, in front of a regional train. The woman was run over by the train and died on the spot.

The locomotive driver was unable to stop the train in time. Despite immediate rescue and care by the emergency doctor, the woman died.

Eyewitnesses detained the perpetrator until the police arrived.

In the meantime, the magistrate has issued an arrest warrant for murder at the request of the public prosecutor’s office, as the murder characteristics of “malice” and “lust for murder” have been fulfilled.

Perpetrator and victim had no relation to each other. There was also no quarrel between the two before the crime.

The 34-year-old had only married in the summer of 2018.

Shortly after the crime, her husband wrote on Facebook “My wife was murdered today. She was pushed in front of a train by a stranger for no reason.”

The perpetrator is already known to the police – and among the residents of Brünen, a small village with around 4,000 inhabitants, for outbreaks of violence.

“He often stands half-naked at the window, swears. It’s even worse when he’s in front of the house, then you don’t dare go out with children”, says one resident.

He is also said to have invaded the house of a retired couple last March and threatened the senior citizens. In addition, he indiscriminately attacked strangers in front of his house.