Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 23, 2015

Above is a comparison between global fertility rates in 1970 and in 2014.
We are moving toward a Black world. This is, definitely, “devolution.”
The obvious solution to this problem is to purposefully reduce the population of Africa. We can do that by scientific, bureaucratic means, by paying African women to undergo sterilization, or we can simply close the borders of Africa, stop sending food and medicine, and let nature take its course.
The third option is to allow Africans to spread, to cover the earth, to overcome everything, to make the world into one gigantic Africa.
The establishment has decided that the third option is the best option, and are enacting a plan to plunge the earth into a state of Africanism.
If the world decides this is what they want, then so be it. But we should be allowed to have an open discussion as to whether or not this is indeed what we want.