Globo-Vaginism: Puerto Rico Declares Women Being Killed an “Emergency”

Guys, this is really serious.

Women are dying out there. We need to have equality.

No one should ever die.


Puerto Rico declared a state of emergency on Monday over its deep-rooted problem of violence against women, creating new measures that activists have demanded for years to battle a deadly tide.

The US territory, like other places in the Caribbean and Latin America, has seen sustained high levels of violence that on average results in one woman’s death per week, a 2019 report said.

The declaration, which is also to offer protection to gay and transgender people, includes measures like creating a mobile app for victims to request help and report attacks.

Authorities are to create a new program to monitor women who have taken out restraining orders against abusers, and a new committee will be responsible for enforcing policies and proposing other measures.

Puerto Rico Governor Pedro Pierluisi said the order aims to combat “an evil that has caused too much damage for too long”.

“Victims have suffered the consequences of systematic machismo, inequity, discrimination, lack of education, lack of guidance and above all lack of action,” he added in a statement.

The declaration defines sex or gender-based violence as conduct that causes physical, sexual or psychological harm to another person motivated by stereotypes.

According to a 2019 report from non-profit advocacy groups Proyecto Matria and Kilometro Cero, one woman is killed every seven days in Puerto Rico.

Yes, yes. You said that a few paragraphs ago, and I still just can’t believe it. On such a small island, that must be the majority of all deaths.

It’s truly a shocking statistic, let me see if I can find some more information on Wikiped – oh.

Here’s the extra funny part – at 5.9% women – about 1 in 20 – they actually have the second lowest rate of female-to-male homicides in the world, according to statistics.

I would love to talk about how the system genuinely thinks women are 20 times more important than men.

But that isn’t really the issue here.

The issue is this: they have gotten Western countries where they need to be, in terms of control. But, before they can bring the world together under one banner, they have to get these shitholes up to speed in terms of these weird, Jewish-enforced cultural norms. The single quickest and easiest (and probably the only) way to do that is to make everything about women and “women’s rights.”

They’re doing it in Africa, the Middle East and Latin America, and adding the gay thing on with it. You see articles about it every single day. These ones about how there is so much murder though are truly incredible. (It’s like the George Floyd thing, I guess.)

Globo-vaginism is the true path to democracy.

If you put women in control of a country, put women above men, it will automatically just spiral into total lunacy, basically overnight.

It’s like prescribing someone crazy pills.