Go to Africa to Help Africans, Get Murdered by Africans

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 6, 2019

You’ve gotta be a special kind of retard (or a woman) to go trying to help blacks in Africa.

They definitely do not want your help and the fact that they’re pathetic does not in any way mean that they deserve anyone’s help.


Unidentified attackers killed two aid workers who were returning from a refugee camp in an western Ethiopia region that shares a border with South Sudan, their aid group and a U.N. organization said.

The attack happened on Thursday in Gambella region, which shares a porous frontier with South Sudan, when the staff of U.S.-based Action Against Hunger were returning from a child nutrition center at Nguenyyiel Refugee Camp.

“Team members were in transit from our 24-hour paediatric Nutrition Stabilisation Center in Nguenyyiel Refugee Camp when they were ambushed by armed individuals,” Action Against Hunger said in a statement on Thursday.

“Two employees were killed at the scene. Action Against Hunger has suspended full operations in Gambella, but are maintaining the provision of life-saving assistance.”

Nguenyyiel camp hosts just over 74,000 refugees from South Sudan, according to data from the U.N. refugee agency UNHCR.

“I am confident that Ethiopian authorities will arrest and prosecute those responsible for the attack,” Steven Were, U.N. Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator in Ethiopia, said in a statement on Thursday.

There was no immediate comment from Ethiopia authorities on the incident.

Yeah, I’m sure they’ll get right on that.

And I’m sure they’ll be lots of follow-up reports in the Western media to explain the grizzly details of these murders, and how the brave Ethiopian inspectors tracked down and punished the perps.