God Help Us: Chelsea Does Racism Again

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 7, 2015

The blackest depths of the most unadulterated form of pure evil that the planet earth has ever bore witness to: men drunkenly singing things that could hurt a non-White person's feelings while riding on a train.  And you filthy goyim pigs have the nerve to complain about a few thousand little girls getting gang-raped and trafficked.
The blackest depths of the most unadulterated form of pure evil that the planet earth has ever bore witness to: men drunkenly singing things that could hurt a non-White person’s feelings while riding on a train. And you filthy goyim pigs have the nerve to complain about a few thousand little girls getting gang-raped and trafficked.

May the Lord in Heaven have mercy on Chelsea. Once again, the evil racist fans of this team committed an act of abominable hatred by saying something on a train.

The historically monumental event of pure evil was filmed by a woman while her Asian companion hid under a coat, fearful that the chanting train racists would turn her poor self into a lampshade if they found her.

From the video you can clearly see that this is one of the top worst things that has happened, ever, since the horrible days when the meticulously calculated and logically perfected killing machine of Nazi Germany used insect killer to murder millions of Jews inside of gas chambers with wooden doors.

The White males, driven by the darkest form of pure evil – the hatred for the color of the skin – insulted both Blacks and Jews while chanting drunkenly on a train.

What is truly shocking is that this event is struggling to get as much media coverage as the recent news that a mere three-hundred White girls were groomed, gang-raped and trafficked by a few bad apples who happen to have brown skin in Oxfordshire.  Somehow, the UK has reached the most absolutely abysmal depths of blind racism that the media believes that a few hundred girls getting the opportunity to experience true Islamic culture is nearly as important as this train chant.

The Telegraph informs us that the police are taking this very seriously.  And yet, somehow, these men who chanted this racism while drunk on a train are still on the loose.

Three young Asian women and a black man were forced to leave the carriage while the thugs sung their hideous chants on the London Euston to Manchester Piccadily train.

British Transport Police (BTP) removed them at Stoke at 10.30pm to the relief of passengers on the Virgin train.

BTP said no arrests have been made but are now approaching the passenger so they can inspect the footage.

You see this? They were “forced off” the train by their emotions. The blinding force of their emotional pain – the sheer turmoil they felt inside of their souls at having heard these drunken chants – was capable of forcing their bodies to get up and get off the train. Can you imagine a type of emotion which is so powerful it forces your body to leave a train?

These Asian women may never recover from this, and I can guarantee for a fact the Black man never will. His entire life has been destroyed by this diabolical act of monumental human debauchery.