Goldman Sachs Says US Dollar Risking Dominance as a Result of Bizarre, Illegal Sanctions on Russia

It’s truly amazing that the Wall Street Journal and Bloomberg are so infiltrated by Jews that they are pushing this war hoax.

I can guarantee you, all of the bros working in finance are not happy about this. But they don’t really have any voice, other than like, Zero Hedge.


The US dollar is dealing with some of the same challenges that the British pound faced in the early 1900s, before it went into decline, Goldman Sachs said in a research note released on Thursday. The Wall Street bank warns that the greenback could lose its global dominance.

According to the research seen by Business Insider, the move by Washington and its allies to freeze much of the Russian Central Bank’s foreign currency reserves has raised concerns that countries could start moving away from the dollar. Analysts explained the risk as due to worries about the power the dollar grants the US.

The challenges that Goldman Sachs named include the fact that the US has a relatively small share of global trade compared to the dominance of its currency in global payments. Another issue is that the country has a deteriorating “net foreign asset position,” with rising foreign debts. In addition, the nation faces geopolitical problems, such as the conflict in Ukraine.

So, Goldman Sachs is saying the exact thing that I have been telling you since this started.

The entire concept of the United States as managing the world economic system was based on the assumption that they were going to remain neutral in the area of finance, regardless of whatever kind of weird wars they were involved in. The people running the Brandon Administration decided to throw that all away, in pursuit of a moral panic over a border skirmish in the former USSR.

This is one of the stupidest things that anyone has done in the entire history of empires. It was an utterly unforced error, and it doesn’t even benefit them in any way. When they were banned from SWIFT and had their reserves stolen, Russia immediately switched to the Chinese version of SWIFT, and the ruble has recovered almost all of its losses.

The rest of the losses will be recovered when the rubles trade system is finished. These sanctions have done nothing against Russia – they have done everything to cause the entire world, save states directly controlled by the US, to lose faith in the US as global arbitrator of trade.

The SWIFT system didn’t exist during World War II, but the Germans were still allowed to use the Bank of International Settlements, because America understood that as important as the war was to their interests, losing neutral status in the financial sector would be worse than any war loss.

If the dollar falls, the whole house of cards comes tumbling down, and the US is a third world country. I’ve seen these Jews up there talking about “the strength of the US economy” – well, why is it so strong? Only because they are able to export all of this debt through the reserve currency system.

When that ends, what do they have? They have no ability to produce anything.

The jig is up.